click above to watch the inteviewclick above to listen (audio only)
Dave Lefkowitz chats with old friend JEFF GOODMAN
Topics include: Las Vegas
Segment aired Dec. 31, 2021 as part of the “Daverhood New Year” special edition of the “Dave’s Gone By” program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.
Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.
All content (c)2021 TotalTheater Productions.
More information on Dave’s Gone By:
click above to watch the interviewclick above to listen (audio only)
Dave Lefkowitz chats with musician SYLVIE SIMMONS
Topics include: Rhythm of the Rain, music, San Francisco, Christine Lavin, ukelele
Segment aired Dec. 31, 2021 as part of the “Daverhood New Year” special edition of the “Dave’s Gone By” program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.
Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.
All content (c)2021 TotalTheater Productions.
More information on Dave’s Gone By:
click above to watchclick above to listen (audio only)
Dave Lefkowitz chats with musician CHRISTINE LAVIN
Topics include: Honesty, Sylvie Simmons, music, New Year’s
Segment aired Dec. 31, 2021 as part of the “Daverhood New Year” special edition of the “Dave’s Gone By” program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.
Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.
All content (c)2021 TotalTheater Productions.
More information on Dave’s Gone By:
click above to watchclick above to listen (audio only)
Dave Lefkowitz chats with actor JASON GRAAE
Topics include: trivia, acting
Segment aired Dec. 31, 2021 as part of the “Daverhood New Year” special edition of the “Dave’s Gone By” program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.
Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.
All content (c)2021 TotalTheater Productions.
More information on Dave’s Gone By:
click above to watch episode #831click above to listen (audio only)
Here is the 831st episode of the long-running radio show/video podcast, Dave’s Gone By, that aired live on Facebook, Friday night, Dec. 31, 2021. Info:
Featuring: Our annual New Year’s Eve celebration featuring Zoom-ins, a whistling lune, the premiere of Rabbi Sol Solomon’s “Shalom Dammit!” promotional video, and the midnight deodorant drop.
Guests: Rabbi Sol Solomon, musicians Richard Goldklang, Christine Lavin, Sylvie Simmons, Steve “The Whistler” Herbst, Moshe Denburg, Richard Shore, writers Jami Bernard, Iris Dorbian, Don Perl, John Pielmeier, theater critics Mary Shen Barnidge, Leslie (Hoban) Blake, Eva Heinemann, Dave’s cousin Adam Glass, old friends Fred Cleaver & Wendy Highby, Stephen Fisch, Dave’s mother-in-law Rosemary Weil, and Dave’s mom Brenda Lefkowitz.
00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN w/ Joyce 00:05:00 GUEST: Don Perl & Patricia 00:12:00 GUEST: John Pielmeier 00:19:30 GUEST: Iris Dorbian 00:24:00 GUEST: Jami Bernard 00:28:00 GUEST: Steve Herbst 00:41:00 GUEST: Ronald Rand 00:47:30 GUEST: Jason Graae 00:58:30 GUESTS: Fred Cleaver & Wendy Highby 01:01:30 GUEST: Christine Lavin 01:12:00 GUEST: Sylvie Simmons 01:27:30 GUEST: Jeff Goodman 01:33:30 GUEST: Moshe Denburg 01:39:30 GUEST: Adam Glass 01:42:30 GUEST: Dr. Sue Horowitz 01:47:30 GUEST: Richard Goldklang 01:50:30 GUEST: Leslie (Hoban) Blake 01:51:00 GUEST: Stephen Fisch & Susan 01:51:30 GUEST: Eva Heinemann 01:57:00 NEW YEAR DEODORANT DROP! 02:06:00 GUEST: Vicki Quade 02:11:30 GUEST: Mary Shen Barnidge 02:19:30 GUEST: Richard Shore 02:35:30 VIDEO: Shalom Dammit! promotional video 02:56:30 CHICAGO DEODORANT DROP! 03:12:00 GUEST: Brenda Lefkowitz 03:13:00 GUEST: Rosemary Weil 03:14:00 DAVE GOES OUT
Dec. 31, 2021: “Clair de Lune” (00:37:30; Steve Herbst), “Rhythm of the Rain” (01:15:30; Sylvie Simmons), “Honesty” (01:23:30; Christine Lavin), “All That We Love” (03:23:00; Dr. Sue Horowitz).
click above to watch episode #825click above to listen (audio only)
Here is the 825th episode of the long-running radio show/video podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired live on Facebook Saturday morning, Nov. 20, 2021. Info:
Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with singer-songwriter Christine Lavin; Greeley Crimes & Old Times; Colorado Limerick of the Damned (Costilla, CO).
00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN w/ Joyce (unpacking the Bat Mitzvah, nose trimmer, septopus, foreign foods, Three Percent) 00:49:30 GUEST: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews Christine Lavin 02:00:00 TODAY/YESTERDAY Trivia Quiz (Nov. 20 w/ Leslie (Hoban) Blake, Vicki Quade, Don Perl 03:39:30 GREELEY CRIMES & OLD TIMES 03:56:30 Friends of the Daverhood 04:06:00 COLORADO LIMERICK OF THE DAMNED (Costilla, CO) 04:09:00 DAVE GOES OUT
click above to watchclick above to listen (audio only)
Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with singer-songwriter CHRISTINE LAVIN
Topics include: Covid-19, psychic power, Bob Dylan, Rolling Thunder, Suzanne Vega.
Segment aired Nov. 20, 2021 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio/podcast program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.
Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.
Dave Lefkowitz interviews singer-songwriter Christine Lavin
Topics include: radio, music, WFUV,
Segment aired March 7, 2015 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” 500th Anniversary Special radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.
Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.
All content (c)2015 TotalTheater Productions.
More information on Dave’s Gone By:
click above to listen to the episode (audio only).
Here is the 500th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on UNC Radio, March 7, 2015. Info:
Featuring: Dave’s 500th episode: 500 minutes plus 1 hour to grown on! Dave plays classic bits, novelty numbers, interview clips and more from years gone by. Plus: chats with return guests, Rabbi Sol Solomon’s Rabbinical Reflection on Dave’s 500th, musician Christine Lavin, actress Carole Demas, radio legend Dr. Demento, Greeley Crime Beat, visits from UNC Radio general manager Thomas Hoffman, UNC Radio programming director Matthew Davis, UNC Mirror journalist Will Costello, UNC Radio host Alex Kirschner and friends Fred Cleaver and Wendy Highby. Also: Calls from former programming director Sam Wood, singer Carole Demas, Dave’s mom & dad Philip and Brenda Lefkowitz, Dave’s friend Ozer Teitelbaum, and former guest co-host Jeff Goodman
Host: Dave Lefkowitz
Guests: radio host Dr. Demento, musician Christine Lavin, actress Carole Demas, UNC Mirror journalist Will Costello, UNC Radio general manager Thomas Hoffman, UNC Radio programming director Matthew Davis,, UNC Radio former general manager Sam Wood, radio personality Joe Salzone, friends Wendy Highby, Fred Cleaver, Ozer Teitelbaum and Jeff Goodman, Dave’s mom & dad (Philip & Brenda Lefkowitz), Dave’s wife Joyce.
00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN w/ Joyce (#500!, Purim narwhal) 00:24:30 GREELEY CRIME BEAT, pt. 1 00:27:00 GUESTS: Fred Cleaver & Wendy Highby (new!) 00:52:00 GREELEY CRIME BEAT, pt. 2 w/ Will Costello 00:58:00 GUESTS: Will Costello 01:04:00 GREELEY CRIME BEAT, pt 3 01:14:30 GUESTS: Will Costello, Alex Kirshner, Thomas Hoffman (new!) 01:36:00 DAVE GOES FURTHER IN 01:51:00 GUEST: Bonnie Franklin (aired 10/1/11) 02:00:30 SKIT: The Giving Chimp (aired 11/3/02) 02:07:30 RABBI SOL SOLOMON’S RABBINICAL REFLECTION #3: Taco Bell (aired 1/29/11) 02:21:00 WRETCHED PUN OF DESTINY #26: Autopsy (aired 2/21/15) 02:23:00 SONG: Take Your Underoos Down (aired 7/19/14) 02:32:30 GUEST: Karinna Kittles-Karsten (aired 2/11/07) 02:50:30 SONG: Jeopardy Ken (aired 10/14/04) 02:53:30 Sponsors 03:01:30 GUEST: Joe Franklin (aired 4/1/07) 03:06:30 SKIT: Pre-Tampered Yummies (aired 10/27/02) 03:12:00 GUEST: Tom Paxton (aired 9/2/04) 03:20:00 RABBI SOL SOLOMON’s RABBINICAL REFLECTION #11: Circumcisions (aired 4/2/11) 03:31:30 WRETCHED PUN OF DESTINY #23: Screenwriter (aired 2/7/15) 03:37:30 More Sponsors 03:40:30 GUEST: Jill Sobule (aired 9/22/05) 03:52:00 SKIT: Blarney O’Bunions (aired 3/12/06) 03:57:30 GUEST: Christine Lavin (new!) 04:39:00 GUEST: Al Aronowitz (aired 1/20/05) 04:46:00 GUEST: Dr. Demento (new!) 05:14:00 WRETCHED PUN OF DESTINY #20: Beatles (aired 1/10/15) 05:11:00 Emails & Epistles 05:21:00 SKIT: Handyman Yoni (aired 7/29/04) 05:26:30 GUESTS: Brenda & Philip Lefkowitz (new!) 05:44:30 GUEST: Joe Salzone (new!) 05:56:30 GUEST: Carole Demas (new!) 06:15:30 RABBI SOL SOLOMON’S RABBINICAL REFLECTION: Jewish GPS (aired 1/27/12) 06:20:30 GUEST: Sam Wood (new!) 06:48:30 GUEST: Gilbert Gottfried (aired 12/17/11) 06:59:00 SONG: A Dingo Ate My Baby (aired 1/26/03) 07:00:00 GUEST: Matthew Davis (new!) 07:16:00 More Emails & Epistles 07:22:00 Excerpt: First Show – opening (aired 10/6/02) 07:32:30 GUEST: Ozer Teitelbaum (new!) 07:34:30 SONG: Undies (aired 8/24/13) 07:59:00 SKIT: Buttboink Mountain w/ Peter Fitzgerald (aired 1/22/06) 08:06:00 RABBI SOL SOLOMON’S RABBINICAL REFLECTION #119: Dave’s 500th (new!) 08:15:30 Thanks 08:18:30 GUEST: Jeff Goodman, pt. 1 08:42:30 A Call from Joyce 08:46:00 Sponsors 08:47:30 SKIT: Bob Dylan for WaxVac 08:49:00 Excerpt: First Show – closing (aired 10/6/02) 08:54:00 GUEST: Jeff Goodman, pt. 2 09:19:00 DAVE GOES OUT
March 7, 2015 Playlist: “Buckets of Rain” (01:44:00; Bob Dylan). “Take Your Underoos Down” (02:23:00), “Jeopardy Ken” (02:50:30) & “A Dingo Ate My Baby” (06:59:00; Dave). “I Hold Your Hand in Mine” (02:26:00; Tom Lehrer). “Don’t You Let Nobody Turn You `Round” (03:17:30; Tom Paxton). “Jumpin’ Jack Flash” (03:33:30; The Rolling Stones). (03:49:00; Jill Sobule). “Never Go Back” (04:28:00; Christine Lavin). “Shaving Cream” (05:11:00; Benny Bell). “Have a Peanut Butter Sandwich” (06:43:00; Art Paul Schlosser). “Across the Universe” (08:50:00; The Beatles). “`Heroes'” (09:22:00; David Bowie).
Fred Cleaver
Wendy Highby
Christine Lavin
Dr. DementoDave & Philip LefkowitzJoe SalzoneCarole DemasSam WoodOzer TeitelbaumJeff GoodmanMatthew Davis
Here is the 450th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on UNC Radio, Dec. 28, 2013. Info:
Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon’s chat with singer and record producer Philip Chaffin. Plus: Inside Broadway, Saturday Segues (13/14, Christine Lavin), Dylan – Sooner & Later (insurance), Rabbi Sol’s Rabbinical Reflection on the year gone by.
Host: Dave Lefkowitz
Guests: singer Philip Chaffin, Dave’s wife Joyce.
00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN w/ Joyce (end of the year, numerical milestones, xmas food, cast recordings, pancake party) 01:00:00 SATURDAY SEGUE (13/14) 01:24:00 INSIDE BROADWAY (news & Top Stories of 2013) 01:56:00 GUEST: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews Philip Chaffin 03:02:30 Sponsors 03:08:00 BOB DYLAN – Sooner & Later: Insurance 03:30:00 Friends 03:37:00 RABBI SOL SOLOMON’S RABBINICAL REFLECTION #86: New Year 2014 03:40:30 SATURDAY SEGUE – Christine Lavin 03:59:30 Weather & Upcoming 04:03:00 DAVE GOES OUT
Dec. 28, 2013 Playlist: “Thirteen” (01:00:30; Big Star). “The 13th (Swing Version)” (01:03:00; The Cure). “Thirteenth Mountain” (01:07:00; Bruce Cockburn). “Fourteen Rivers, Fourteen Floods” (01:11:30; Beck). “14th Street Blues” (01:14:30; Leon Redbone). “14th Street” (01:17:30; Rufus Wainwright). “Finale” (01:51:00; Dear World, 1969 Broadway cast). “Diga Diga Doo” (01:53:00), “A Cow and a Plough and a Frau” (02:50:00) & “Somethin’ Real Special” (02:58:30; Philip Chaffin). “The God-Why-Don’t-You-Love-Me Blues” (02:10:30; Follies 2011 Broadway cast w/ Danny Burstein). “Around the World” (02:35:30; Grey Gardens 2006 Bway cast w/ Christine Ebersole). “Folies Bergere” (02:41:30; Nine 2003 Bway cast w/ Chita Rivera). “It’s All Right Ma, I’m Only Bleeding” ({live “Before the Flood” version}; 03:10:00), “Clean Cut Kid” (03:15:30) & “Desolation Row” ({live MTV Unplugged version}; 03:19:30; Bob Dylan). “Nobody’s Fat in Aspen” (03:40:30), “Rockaway” (03:44:00), “If I Ruled the World” (03:48:00), “Gettin’ Used to Leavin’ (03:52:30) & “Scatter New Seeds” (04:07:00; Christine Lavin).