click above to watch episode #836click above to listen to the episode (audio only)
Here is the 836th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast Dave’s Gone By, which aired live on Facebook, Saturday morning Feb. 5, 2022. Info:
Guests: actresses Sharon Gless and Vicki Quade; theater critics Leslie (Hoban) Blake and David Sheward
Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews actress Sharon Gless and Reads the Papers; Colorado Limerick of the Damned (Frederick, CO); Greeley Crimes & Old Times; Today/Yesterday Trivia Quiz (Feb. 5 w/ Leslie (Hoban) Blake, Vicki Quade, David Sheward).
00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN w/ Joyce (cracked hinge, snowstorm, curling) 00:40:30 GREELEY CRIMES & OLD TIMES 00:55:30 TODAY/YESTERDAY Trivia Quiz (Feb. 5 w/ Vicki Quade, David Sheward, Leslie (Hoban) Blake) 01:58:00 GUEST: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews Sharon Gless 02:40:00 RABBI SOL READS THE PAPERS 03:01:30 Friends of the Daverhood 03:09:00 COLORADO LIMERICK OF THE DAMNED (Frederick, CO) 03:12:30 DAVE GOES OUT
Click above to watch in-studio footage of the entire episode.Click above to listen to the audio (audio only).
Here is the 642nd episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired live on Facebook, Feb. 24, 2018. Info:
Host: Dave Lefkowitz Guests: comedian John DiResta, Dave’s wife Joyce
Featuring: Dave chats with comedian John DiResta. Plus: Inside Broadway, Greeley Crimes & Old Times, Storytime (A Cow for Hansel), Saturday Segue (in the news), Dave’s Big Dictionary).
00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN w/ Joyce (curling, bully) 00:40:30 GREELEY CRIMES & OLD TIMES 01:04:00 INSIDE BROADWAY 01:23:00 GUEST: John DiResta 02:48:30 STORYTIME – A Cow for Hansel 03:01:30 Friends 03:10:30 SATURDAY SEGUE – In the News 03:30:00 Sponsors 03:32:30 DAVE’S BIG DICTIONARY – Fob Off 03:44:00 DAVE GOES OUT
Feb. 24, 2018 Playlist: “A Girl with a Flame” (01:18:00; Arms and the Girl 1950 Broadway cast w/ Nanette Fabray). “Proud to be White Trash” (01:20:00; John DiResta). “NRA Blues” (03:11:00; Bill Cox). “Forest Lawn” (03:18:30; Tom Paxton). “Hockey Skates” (03:24:30; Kathleen Edwards). “Der Rebbe Elimelech” (03:50:00; The New Shtetl Band).
Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).
Here is the 519th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on UNC Radio, July 25, 2015. Info:
Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with actress Kathryn Crosby. Plus: Inside Broadway, The Wretched Pun of Destiny (surgeon), Bob Dylan – Sooner & Later (Newport `65), Saturday Segues (Juliana/Jagger, Ray Jessel), Greeley Crimes & Old Times, My Sick Mind (Crosby).
00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN w/ Joyce (Cosby/Crosby) 00:20:00 GREELEY CRIMES & OLD TIMES 00:53:30 DAVE GOES FURTHER IN (curling!, Long Johns) 01:03:30 SATURDAY SEGUE – Ray Jessel 01:24:00 Sponsors 01:32:30 INSIDE BROADWAY 01:55:30 Friends 02:05:00 GUEST: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews Kathryn Crosby 02:54:00 Weather 02:58:00 MY SICK MIND – Cosby 03:02:30 BOB DYLAN – Sooner & Later (Newport `65) 03:25:00 THE WRETCHED PUN OF DESTINY #46 (surgeon) 03:27:00 SATURDAY SEGUE (Juliana/Jagger) 03:43:30 DAVE GOES OUT
July 25, 2015 Playlist: “Walking the Cow” (00:42:00; Daniel Johnston). “Cold Clear World” (01:06:30; Baker Street 1965 Broadway cast). “Whatever Happened to Melody” (01:09:00) & “The Things You Do” (01:16:00; Ray Jessel). “I’m Outta Here” (01:13:00; Maude Maggart & Ray Jessel). “Edelweiss” (01:52:00; The Sound of Music 1959 Broadway cast w/ Theodore Bikel). “(Opening) Our State Fair” (State Fair 1996 Broadway cast w/ John Davidson & Kathryn Crosby). “Dream” (02:20:30; Bing Crosby & Kathryn Crosby). “The Second Time Around” (02:33:30; Kathryn Crosby). “I’ll be Seeing You” “It’s Easy to Remember” (02:49:30) & “I’ll Be Seeing You” (03:46:00; Bing Crosby). “Maggie’s Farm” ({live Newport version}, 03:09:00), “It’s Takes a Man to Laugh, It takes a Train to Cry” ({alternate version}, 03:14:00) & “It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue” ({live, Rolling Thunder version} 03:18:00). “Not Fade Away” (03:30:30), “Faith in our Friends” (03:32:00) & “Dying Proof” (03:38:30; Juliana Hatfield). “Running Out of Luck” (03:25:30; Mick Jagger).