Dave’s Gone By Interview (12/14/2024): JOHANNA DAY & Rabbi Sol Solomon

click above to watch the interview
click above to listen (audio only)

Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with Johanna Day

Topics include: Blue Window, Pen Pals, acting, waitressing 

Segment aired Dec. 14, 2024 as part of the 971st episode of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio/video podcast program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.

All content (c)2024 TotalTheater Productions.                                                   

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com 

More information about Rabbi Sol Solomon: shalomdammit.com

Dave’s Gone By Interview (12/7/2024): JAMES B. FLAHERTY & Rabbi Sol Solomon

click above to listen (audio only)

Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with James B. Flaherty

Topics include: advertising, Buenos Aires, Our Town, aging

Segment aired Dec. 7, 2024 as part of the 970th episode of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio/video podcast program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.

All content (c)2024 TotalTheater Productions.                                                   

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com 

More information about Rabbi Sol Solomon: shalomdammit.com

Dave’s Gone By #970 (12/7/2024): INFAMY INFAYOU

click above to watch episode #970
click above to listen (audio only)

Here is the 970th episode of the long-running radio show/video podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired live on Facebook Saturday morning, Dec. 7, 2024.

Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews author James B. Flaherty; StoryTime (Who was H.J. Heinz?, pt. 2); Greeley Times; Colorado Limerick of the Damned (Belcaro).

Guest: writer James B. Flaherty

00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN w/ Joyce: Black Friday buys
01:00:00 GUEST: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews James B. Flaherty
01:54:00 Greeley Times
02:24:00 STORYTIME: Who was H.J. Heinz?, pt. 2 (by Michael Burgan)
02:53:30 Friends of the Daverhood
03:16:30 DAVE GOES OUT

James B. Flaherty
Rabbi Sol Solomon
rice cookin’
the chair
Belcaro, CO

Dave’s Gone By #969 (11/30/2024): SLAM DANKE

click above to watch episode #969
click above to listen (audio only)

Here is the 969th episode of the long-running radio show/video podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired live on Facebook Saturday morning, Nov. 30, 2024.

Featuring: StoryTime (Who was H.J. Heinz?, pt 1); Greeley Times; Colorado Limerick of the Damned (Blue River); Bunion Watch; Dave’s Big Dictionary (frugal).

00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN w/ Joyce: Thanksgiving meal, Meteorological Winter, smoked prime rib, disco potty, yes dear
02:01:30 STORYTIME: Who was H.J. Heinz?, pt. 1 (by Michael Burgan)
02:27:30 DAVE’S BIG DICTIONARY: frugal
02:44:00 Friends of the Daverhood
02:52:30 DAVE GOES OUT

your host

Dave’s Gone By #968 (11/23/2024): PODECAST

click above to watch episode #968
click above to listen (audio only)

Here is the 968th episode of the long-running radio show/video podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired live on Facebook Saturday morning, Nov. 23, 2024.

Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews musician Art Podell; Greeley Times; Colorado Limerick of the Damned (Baxter); Bunion Watch; Dave’s Big Dictionary; My Old Phlegm

Guest: Art Podell

00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN w/ Joyce: Say Potato!, statistics, free cupcakes, eye doctor, number two #2
01:13:00 GUEST: Rabbi Sol Solomon inteviews Art Podell
02:12:30 DAVE’S BIG DICTIONARY: negotiate
02:26:00 Friends of the Daverhood
02:44:00 DAVE GOES OUT

Rabbi Sol Solomon
Baxter, CO

Dave’s Gone By Interview (11/23/2024): ART PODELL & Rabbi Sol Solomon

click above to watch the interview
click above to listen (audio only)

Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with musician Art Podell

Topics include: Art and Paul, New Christy Minstrels, folk music, Bob Gibson, radio

Segment airs Nov. 23, 2024 as part of the 968th episode of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio/video podcast program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.

All content (c)2024 TotalTheater Productions.                                                   

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com 

More information about Rabbi Sol Solomon: shalomdammit.com

Dave’s Gone By Skit (11/16/2024): STORYTIME w/ Rabbi Sol Solomon: BAGEL IN LOVE

click above to watch the skit
click above to listen (audio only)

Dave’s Gone By Skit (11/16/2024): STORYTIME: Rabbi Sol Solomon Reads “Bagel in Love”

For this week’s StoryTime segment on Dave’s Gone By, Rabbi Sol Solomon reads Natasha Wing’s “Bagel in Love” 

This segment aired Nov. 16, 2024 as part of the 967th “Dave’s Gone By” video podcast program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz. Full episodes also available on youtube, Facebook (davesgoneby), and on DavesGoneBy.com. 

All content (c)2024 TotalTheater Productions.                                                   

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

 More on Rabbi Sol: shalomdammit.com

Dave’s Gone By #967 (11/16/2024): FORST ENTRY

click above to watch episode #967
click above to listen (audio only)

Here is the 967th episode of the long-running radio show/video podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired live on Facebook Saturday morning, Nov. 16, 2024.

Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews comedian Leah Forster Greeley Times; Colorado Limerick of the Damned (Basin); Bunion Watch; StoryTime (“Bagel in Love”); My Old Phlegm

Guest: Leah Forster

00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN w/ Joyce
00:10:00 MY OLD PHLEGM #2
00:18:00 DAVE GOES FURTHER IN w/ Joyce: New poo
01:15:30 GUEST: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews Leah Forster
02:05:00 STORYTIME w/ Rabbi Sol Solomon: Bagel in Love
02:24:00 Friends of the Daverhood
02:34:30 DAVE GOES EVEN FURTHER IN w/ Joyce: fuzzy burgers
02:45:30 DAVE GOES OUT

Leah Forster
Rabbi Sol Solomon
San Miguel County – Basin, CO

Dave’s Gone By Interview (11/16/2024): LEAH FORSTER & Rabbi Sol Solomon

click above to watch the interview
click above to listen (audio only)

host Dave Lefkowitz chats with comedian Leah Forster

Topics include: Orthodox Judaism, stand-up comedy, coming out LGBTQ.

Segment airs Nov. 16, 2024 as part of the 967th episode of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio/video podcast program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.

All content (c)2024 TotalTheater Productions.                                                   

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com 

INDEX – Dave’s Gone By Skits – List & Links

Hi folks! Here, listed chronologically, are the archives of skits & sketches performed on DAVE’S GONE BY.

Nov. 16, 2024: StoryTime with Rabbi Sol Solomon: Bagel in Love
Subject: Rabbi Sol reads Natasha Wing’s children’s book, Bagel in Love.
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=29976

April 23, 2022: No Show
Subject: On vacation, Dave greets viewers with a no-show-today mini-show.
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=29976

April 16, 2022: Old Gilbert
Subject: Dave chats with an old “Gilbert Gottfried” about his life.
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=29913

November 20, 2021: Three Percent
Subject: Mischa Dani Goodman performs Dave’s short solo comedy as part of The PlayGround Experiment’s Faces of America Monologue Festival.
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=27740

November 13, 2021: Rabbi Sol Solomon Attends a Bat Mitzvah
Subject: Rabbi Sol chats with guests at the Bat Mitzvah of Dave’s cousin, Logan Sheflin.
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=27652

July 11, 2020: Dave’s Gone Canceling #2 – Quick Draw McGraw
Subject: With America gone cancel-culture happy, Dave selects a target: cartoon character Quick Draw McGraw
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=27784

June 27, 2020: Dave’s Gone Canceling #1 – Joni Mitchell
Subject: With America gone cancel-culture happy, Dave selects a target: Joni Mitchell.
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=27749

April 25, 2020: Rabbi Sol Solomon Reads Shakespeare’s Sonnet #30
Subject: Rabbi Sol takes part in Irondale Ensemble’s virtual Shakespeare Sonnet Marathon.
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=19629

Feb. 8, 2014: Bob Dylan for WaxVac
Subject: An advertisement: Bob Dylan for WaxVac ear cleaner.
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=9253

Aug. 3, 2013: Weiner for Mayor
Subject: Anthony Weiner’s weiner runs for mayor against the very man who made him.
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=9489

March 12, 2006: Blarney O’Bunions
Subject: A public service announcement about drinking and driving on St. Patrick’s Day.
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=9248

Feb. 5, 2006: Hermann Glogauer on Football
Subject: A look at football from a very, very, very old man.
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=9365

Jan. 22, 2006: Buttboink Mountain
Subject: A landmark film about two men doing manly things. (Featuring guest voice: Jeff Goodman)
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=9259

Aug. 11, 2005: Homo Hendrix
Subject: Gay icon Peter Fitzgerald weighs in an a biography of Jimi Hendrix that questions his sexuality.
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=9370

July 28, 2005: So You Wanna be a Terrorist
Subject: A game show for budding enemies of mankind.
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=9456

Dec. 2, 2004: Fiddler is a Pouf
Subject: Peter Fitzgerald looks at Fiddler in a gay way.
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=9317

Nov. 11, 2004: Javier Magruder
Subject: A patriotic skit of sorts.
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=9382

Aug. 19, 2004: McGreevey
Subject: Gay activist Peter Fitzgerald discusses the political missteps of New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey.
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=9406

July 29, 2004: Handyman Yoni on Caulk
Subject: Handyman Yoni explains the importance of caulk.
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=9354

July 8, 2004: Apocalypse Rumsfeld
Subject: An offensive look at the Secretary of Defense.
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=9237

June 17, 2004: Baghdad Elections
Democracy comes to no man’s land. (featuring guest voice Joe Salzone)
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=9243

(May 20, 2004): Chez Berg
Recommendations on how Arab terrorists can make their deeds more palatable to the West. (featuring guest voice Jeff Goodman)
—> Full Episode

(Feb. 9, 2004): Valentine’s Day with Rabbi Sol Solomon
The great Rabbi Sol Solomon offers his thoughts on Valentine’s Day and takes phone calls from listeners Esther and Philip.
—> Full Episode

(Dec. 1, 2003): Woody’s Analyst
Dave imagines a conversation between Woody Allen and his therapist.
—> Full Episode

(Nov. 24, 2003): Michael Jackson
Joe Salzone interviews controversial pop legend Michael Jackson.
—> Full Episode

(Sept. 22, 2003): Folk Music
Professor Yoni Huttenanni explains folk music.
Listen / Full Episode

(Sept. 22, 2003): Long Island Haiku
Listen / Full Episode

(Sept. 22, 2003): A Suburban Home Companion
If Minnesota can have a radio home companion, why not suburban Long Island?
Listen / Full Episode

(July 20, 2003): Well, Well, Weller
Radio host Joe Salzone interviews Russell Weller,* the 86-year-old man whose Buick LeSabre plowed into 60 people at a Santa Monica Farmer’s Market.
Listen / Full Episode

(June 29, 2003): Happy And
Gay activist Peter Fitzgerald on Gay Pride Day.
Listen / Full Episode

(March 30, 2003): Luther Zizland
The thoughts of a U.S. Army private sent overseas to where they don’t like us.
Listen / Full Episode

(March 16, 2003): The Story of Seamus (The Urine Man)
Listen / Full Episode

On a trip to Ireland, Dave and his wife encounter a legend who inspires Dave’s song, “Seamus, the Urine Man.”

(Feb. 2, 2003): Groundhogs
A look at the life of groundhogs on their special day. (guest voice: Jeff Goodman)
Listen / Full Episode

(Jan. 26, 2003): Missile Hunter
The dangerous job of Steve Merwin, Missile Hunter.
Listen / Full Episode

(Jan. 12, 2003): Cleola Bevers
Radio host Joe Salzone interviews an old acquaintance of Martin Luther King, Cleola Bevers.
Listen / Full Episode

(Dec. 22, 2002): Lady Miss Ida Mae Roosevelt’s Christmas Broadcast 1954
Dave unearths a lost audio tape of early Long Island farm broadcaster Lady Miss Ida Mae Roosevelt.
Listen / Full Episode

(Dec. 15, 2002): Thanks a Lott
Senator Trent Lott offers an apology for his racially insensitive praise of Strom Thurmond.
Listen / Full Episode

(Dec. 8, 2002): Wrong Island Cablevision
A commercial for the wonders of Cablevision’s service and programming.
Listen / Full Episode

(Dec. 8, 2002): Cablevision Poem
Dave dedicates a poem to his cable TV provider.
Listen / Full Episode

(Dec. 1, 2002): Uninsurance – Christopher Reeve
An insurance company calls actor Christopher Reeve to notify him of a policy change.
Listen / Full Episode

(Dec. 1, 2002): Uninsurance – Run DMC
An insurance company calls Run DMC to notify them of a policy change.
Listen / Full Episode

Nov. 24, 2002: The Dreidel Game
Rabbi Sol Solomon plays the Chanukah dreidel game with guest Rabbi Jeff Rothenberg
Listen / Full Episode

Nov. 24, 2002: News for Jews
Rabbi Sol Solomon offers a special edition of the News Gone By segment — news of the week from his uniquely Jewish perspective.
Listen / Full Episode

Nov. 17, 2002: It’s Been Great, It’s Bin Laden
Dave plays the latest tape from international fugitive Osama Bin Laden.
Listen / Full Episode

Nov. 3, 2002: Peter Byfield
Dave plays a paid political announcement from a non-molesting candidate.
Listen / Full Episode

Nov. 3, 2002: The Giving Chimp
Subject: Dave reads an early (and justly rejected) draft of Shel Silverstein’s famous story, “The Giving Tree,” titled “The Giving Chimp.”
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=9343

Oct. 27, 2002: Pre-Tampered Yummies
Subject: A Halloween advertisement for candy that’s extra-convenient.
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=9432

Oct. 27, 2002: Trick or Treat
Subject: A woman faces the worst kind of Halloween horror. (featuring guest voice: Karen Young).
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=9471
—> Full Episode

Oct. 20, 2002: Chief Moist Elk
Subject: Native-American Chief Moist Elk offers his thoughts on America’s history with smallpox.
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=9300
—> Full Episode

Oct. 20, 2002: The Puff Sullivan Letter
Subject: Taking a cue from Sullivan Ballou, Dave reads the modern wartime missive, The Puff Sullivan Letter.
—> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=9439
