Click above to listen to the interview (audio only).
Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with playwright Richard Nelson
Topics include: playwriting, The Gabriels, Illyria, Public Theater, Rhinebeck, politics, Judaism.
Segment airs Dec. 2, 2017 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.
Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.
All content (c)2017 TotalTheater Productions. More information on Dave’s Gone By: More information about Rabbi Sol Solomon: VIDEO
Shalom Dammit! This is Rabbi Sol Solomon with a Rabbinical Reflection for the week of August 13, 2017.
In much of mainstream media, Donald Trump is maligned—left, right, and sideways—for everything he says and does. A lot of times he should be, but other times, it’s just knee-jerk obstructionism as payback for the way the Republicans cock-blocked Obama for eight years. Is it really wrong to put America first, or to be extra careful about immigration from hostile countries, or to think your daughter’s kinda hot? No. These are defensible ideas, whether you ascribe to them or not.
However, since Donald Trump can’t get his own agenda started, his whole presidency has been about reversing whatever the last administration did. And about saying, “Hey, you think I’m a liar and a meanie? Hillary’s even worse!”—which is such a helpful ideology six months after the election.
Still, Trump wants to junk the Iran deal? I don’t blame him. He wants to hold Arab countries to a higher standard of behavior before selling Israel down the river? I’m all for him. He wants to fire everyone he appointed? Eh, he did that on TV, so why should we expect different? He wants to reverse policy about transsexual people joining the military? No. Just no. What the hell is it to Donald Trump if a soldier’s uniform fits a little differently between the hips and the knees?
Republicans say they’re not being homophobes; the reason to keep Trannies out of the service is cost–for building separate bathrooms and showers. And since the army is known to spend $400 on a toilet seat, putting up an entire stall must cost millions. The military also fears that transgenders will stay closeted until they get through basic training, then ask for surgery and expect Uncle Sam to pay for it. I mean, where’s the money going to come from if we’re pouring all that dough into building empty schools in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Another excuse to ban the Trans is mental instability. Right-wingers say that if a person can’t decide whether to be a boy or a girl, that points to confusion, which can be deadly on the battlefield. And, of course, bible-thumping goyim see gender fluidity and homosexuality as mental illnesses to begin with. We can’t have crazy people in the air force and navy, they say. We need to save those slots for colored folks who have no other way to get a leg up in this economy than to be cannon fodder.
I think what Trump is most worried about is the downtime. You’ve got Marines, pumped up on testosterone and killer instincts, waiting around for an excuse to release their aggression. With no battle to charge into, they go out to drink and pick up a female cadet. Now, there’s a private, taking a woman back to his tent, groping around her privates, and finding a ding-dong where her ying-yang should be. That’s a homicide waiting to happen. But it’s not a trannie’s fault if a cadet can’t control himself, any more than it’s Burger King’s fault if I take extra ketchup packets and put them in my cupboard for later. They may be tempting me by displaying free condiments, but it is my weakness that makes me stuff my pockets. Damn you, H.J. Heinz.
But back to the AC/DC’s. If you’re in a foxhole fighting a war, do you care whether the person next to you has a penis, a vagina, or a mixmaster between the legs? No. You just want them to fire when ready and send your dog tags home if you don’t make it. And the bitching about transgenders in the military is no different from the griping about women in the military, and gays, and blacks, and Jews, and anyone who isn’t white, Christian, and 100 percent brain-washable. Donald Trump has bought into this prejudice to the point where he won’t even allow trannies in the office pool, let alone facing combat.
Of course, the silver lining is that transgender people who can’t serve in the military also can’t get killed in the military. When we have to start sending bombers over North Korea, it’s the tow-headed, Sunday-school Andy Hardys who’ll be flying top-secret, while the Caitlin Jenners will be shopping in Victoria’s Secret. But it is not the President’s place to declare that people of any sexuality are unfit to defend their own freedom. After all, 66 million Americans voted that Donald Trump wasn’t fit to be President, yet here he is in the job. Hmm, maybe that’s not the best example.
This has been a Rabbinical Reflection from Rabbi Sol Solomon, Temple Sons of Bitches, in Great Neck, New York.
Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).
Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with musician Peter Yarrow
Topics include: Peter Paul & Mary, politics, Judaism. Segment airs July 15, 2017 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.
Note: Farewell to our Friend of the Daverhood, Peter Yarrow, who passed Jan. 7, 2025 at age 86.
Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.
All content (c)2017 TotalTheater Productions.
More information on Dave’s Gone By: More information about Rabbi Sol Solomon:
Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).
Here is the 568th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on UNC Radio, July 30, 2016. Info: Host: Dave Lefkowitz Guest: press agent and playwright Beck Lee
Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with theatrical press agent Beck Lee. Plus: Greeley Crimes & Old Times, Saturday Segues (Jerry Garcia, Brazil), Bob Dylan – Sooner & Later (Olympics), Inside Broadway, Dave Goes Off on Sesame Street.
00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN (iliopsoas, the DNC) 00:40:30 GREELEY CRIMES & OLD TIMES 00:52:00 Sponsors 00:55:00 SATURDAY SEGUE – Jerry Garcia 01:14:30 Sponsors 01:20:30 INSIDE BROADWAY 01:52:00 GUEST: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews Beck Lee 02:48:30 BOB DYLAN – Sooner & Later (The Olympics) 03:07:30 Friends 03:18:00 SATURDAY SEGUE – Brazil 03:36:00 DAVE GOES OFF – Sesame Street 03:40:30 Weather & Thanks 03:45:00 DAVE GOES OUT
July 30, 2016 Playlist: “Box of Rain” (00:57:30), “Eyes of the World” (01:03:00) & “China Cat Sunflower” (01:08:00; The Grateful Dead). “Fantasies Come True” (Avenue Q 2003 Broadway cast). “Property of Jesus” (02:51:00) & “Country Pie” (03:01:30). “Restless Farewell” (02:56:00; Joan Baez). “Brazil” (03:19:00; The Coasters). “Fotografia” (03:21:30; Astrud Gilberto w/ Antonio Carlos Jobim). “Ponta de Lonco Africano (Umbarabauma)” (03:23:30; Jorge Ben). “Um Canto do Afoxe Para o Bloco do Ile (Ile Aye)” (03:27:00; Caetano Veloso). “Time for August” (03:47:00; Julie London).
Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).
Here is the 567th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on UNC Radio, July 23, 2016. Info:
Host: Dave Lefkowitz Guest: actor-director Austin Pendleton, Dave’s wife Joyce
Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with actor-director Austin Pendleton. Plus: Inside Broadway, My Sick Mind, Saturday Segues (conventions, Snooty’s birthday!), Greeley Crimes & Old Times, Bob Dylan – Sooner & Later (political places)
00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN w/ Joyce (Snooty’s birthday!, crows) 00:31:30 GREELEY CRIMES & OLD TIMES 01:19:00 Sponsors 01:26:30 SATURDAY SEGUE – Manatees 01:50:00 INSIDE BROADWAY 02:23:00 GUEST: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews Austin Pendleton 03:03:00 Reader Mail 03:12:00 BOB DYLAN – Sooner & Later (political places) 03:28:30 Friends 03:38:00 MY SICK MIND 03:42:30 SATURDAY SEGUE – Conventions 04:07:30 DAVE GOES OUT
July 23, 2016 Playlist: “Snootie Little Cutie” (01:29:00; Manhattan Transfer). “I’m a Manatee” (01:32:30; Jim Gaffigan). “You and Me and a Manatee” (01:34:30; Ty Curtis). “Horny Manatee” (01:37:30; Conan O’Brien TV excerpt). “On the Highway of Love” (02:16:30; I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change 1996 off-Broadway cast). “A Transparent Crystal Moment” (02:20:30; The Last Sweet Days of Isaac 1970 off-Broadway cast w/ Austin Pendleton). “Miracle of Miracles” (02:57:30; Fiddler on the Roof 1964 Broadway cast w/ Austin Pendleton). “Wanted Man” (03:13:30; Johnny Cash with Carl Perkins). “Cry a While” (03:16:30; Bob Dylan). “Quit Your Low Down Ways” (03:21:30; The Hollies). “Enter the Convention” (03:43:00; Professor Elemental). “Politicians – Republican Party Convention” (03:46:00; Will Rogers USA w/ James Whitmore). “Conventioner” (03:50:00; Shelly Berman). “Lobachevsky” (3:58:30; Tom Lehrer).
(Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention)
Shalom Dammit! This is Rabbi Sol Solomon with a Rabbinical Reflection for the week of May 8, 2016.
Just over a year ago, I did a Rabbinical Reflection about the 2016 presidential candidates for the Republican Party. There were a dozen and a half of them—remember? Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, Scott Walker—a veritable who’s who of who’s hooligans.
Almost as an aside, I included the candidacy of Donald Trump. I said, and I quote, “Donald Trump, who went bankrupt three times and yet brands himself as a financial genius. Donald Trump, who has a magnificent knack for self-promotion but spends money he doesn’t have like it’s going out of style—why isn’t he running as a Democrat?”
The idea of Donald Drumpf actually getting traction as a viable candidate, and the thought that more than a few flakes would vote for this narcissistic, self-aggrandizing Oompa Loompa was downright comical. And even if he did ride the cult of celebrity for awhile, you had fifteen other G.O.P. hopefuls with their own deluded followers. But then America happened. And the people rejected Chris Christie and his highway robbery. They rejected Marco Rubio the wind-up doll. They rejected Ben Carson, who didn’t need anaesthesia during heart surgery because he could put patients to sleep just by talking to them.
By the time the conservative muckymucks realized that Donald Trump was not just a fad but a movement—and I don’t just mean the kind of movement I have every other morning if I’m lucky and drink my prune juice—by the time the powers that be of the G.O.P. realized their conservative groundswell was getting dug up by a real-estate developer, it was too late to stop him.
My God, their best shot was Ted Cruz, a man who couldn’t find one person to like him—even when he was looking in the mirror. Ted Cruz was a dyed-in-the-wool conservative, vehemently pro-Israel (God bless him for that), and seemingly in line with everything the Republican party wanted to roll back from the last eight years. And yet, not a single soul in the House or Senate wanted to work with him. Former speaker of the house John Boehner called Ted Cruz, quote, “Lucifer in the flesh!” and “the most miserable son of a bitch” he ever worked with, unquote. This from Boehner, a man who always behaved like he had a stick so far up his tushie, you could see splinters on his uvula.
And yet, this loathed and despised senator, Ted Cruz, was the Republicans’ last hope of putting one of their boys into the White House. Oh, wait, I’m forgetting about John Kasich. Because we all forgot about John Kasich. The past three months, he should have just changed his name to something Chinese, like: “Oh Him Too.” Especially since his name was on ballots like those restaurants in Chinatown that keep items like putrefied eggs and pig bladders on the menu even though no one in their right minds would order them.
To be fair, Kasich seemed like he had a brilliant strategy compared to go-for-broke losers like Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz. Why spend money? Why knock yourself out in races you can’t individually win? Just keep treading water, don’t make waves, and when it’s time for the contested convention, make your perfect dive. What Kasich didn’t realize is that voters saw through his shabby chicanery with Cruz and voted straight up for the man who wasn’t endorsed by the party, wasn’t owned by the Koch brothers, and wasn’t a career politician.
So when the dust settled last week, and the delegate votes were counted, the only candidate with a clear mandate was the one with the cloudiest agenda: Donald Trump. The clown had become the clown prince. This despite—or maybe because of—his penchant for school-bully insults and his crazy, off-the-cuff statements about the Klan and Mexicans and ugly women and pretty women being punished for their abortions. They used to call Reagan the Teflon president because everything stupid slid off him. Well, Trump is Teflon sprayed with Pam, coated with goose grease, and dipped in K.Y. Jelly. Whatever he says, his followers counter with, “He really speaks his mind” or “well, he may say one thing, but we know what he really means.” Do we?
Look, I’m the first to admit—or, if not the first, maybe the 12,030th—to admit that Donald Trump’s wildcard, shoot-from-the-lip status has a visceral appeal. If the two parties running, and usually ruining, the country for the past 30 years don’t approve, he must be good, right? And being a great persuader, he appeals to our emotions—unlike Hilary, who appeals to, well, not even her husband.
But let’s not forget that Donald Trump is a man who promises a robust job market, and yet he grew famous from a TV show on which he fired everyone! This is a man who used to be pro-choice, but when he becomes a Republican, hup!, he suddenly turns anti-abortion. This is a man who vows to fix the country’s troubles by collaborating with the best and brightest, but he couldn’t even find enough intelligent minds to teach in a bogus university. This is a man who wants to keep out immigrants, unless they’re six feet tall, anorexic, and look good on a bearskin rug. This is a man who wants to help the little guy, by building casinos to take their money and hotel rooms that only movie stars can afford.
In other words, the wizard behind the curtain has done very, very well for himself. For others? Not so much. For better or worse, we’ve spent the last eight years led by a community organizer who, perhaps naively, thought he could bring everyone together to solve problems. Are we now ready, instead, for a semi-benevolent dictator who thinks he knows everything and whose answer for every crisis is, “It’ll be amazing. It’ll be beautiful. Believe me.”
We’d like to believe you, Donald. We’d like to believe in something. But 240 years of politics, not to mention the Bernie Sanders campaign, have taught us the futility of belief. And I’m a Rabbi saying this! So if the votes are counted on November 8th, and America chooses the bloviating, thoughtless TV star over the jilted, calumniating harridan, all we can do is what we always do every four years on January 20th: pray.
This has been a Rabbinical Reflection from Rabbi Sol Solomon, Temple Sons of Bitches, in Great Neck, New York.
Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).
Here is the 550th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on UNC Radio, March 19, 2016. Info:
Host: Dave Lefkowitz
Guests: actress Alicia Dattner, friends Fred Cleaver & Wendy Highby & Jeff Goodman
Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with comedienne Alicia Dattner(The Oy of Sex). Plus: Dave chats with Wendy & Fred Highby and former guest co-host Jeff Goodman, Inside Broadway, Saturday Segue (in the news), Bob Dylan – Sooner & Later (first & home), Wretched Pun of Destiny (Johnny Cash).
00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN (DST, first pitch) 00:30:00 DAVE GOES OFF (politics) 00:49:00 GUESTS: Fred Cleaver & Wendy Highby 01:12:00 SATURDAY SEGUE – In the News 01:37:30 Sponsors 01:40:30 GUEST: Jeff Goodman 02:02:30 INSIDE BROADWAY w/ Jeff Goodman 03:34:00 GUEST: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews Alicia Dattner 04:26:30 Friends 04:36:00 Sponsors 04:41:00 THE WRETCHED PUN OF DESTINY #58 (Johnny Cash) 04:45:00 BOB DYLAN – SOONER & LATER (first & home) 05:02:30 Weather 05:05:00 DAVE GOES OUT
March 19, 2016 Playlist: “Aguas de Marco” (01:13:30; Antonio Carlos Jobim). “Dark Night” (01:17:00; Frank Sinatra Jr.). “Washington DC” (01:21:30; Magnetic Fields). “Springtime in the Rockies” (01:23:30; Tiny Tim). “The World Will Know” (03:28:30; Newsies 2012 Broadway cast). Stand-up excerpt (03:32:30; Alicia Dattner). “Freight Train Blues” (04:49:00), “On the Road Again {Take 1}” (04:51:00) & “Mr. Tambourine Man” (04:54:00; Bob Dylan). “Sex” (05:15:00; Ice T).
Click above to listen to the interview (audio only).
Dave Lefkowitz chats with friend JEFF GOODMAN
Topics include: Broadway, politics, Trump vs. Hilary, Las Vegas.
Segment aired March 19, 2016 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” podcast program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.
Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.
All content (c)2019 TotalTheater Productions
More information on Dave’s Gone By? Visit
Click above to listen to the interview (audio only).
Dave Lefkowitz interviews radio broadcaster Joe Salzone
Topics include: WGBB, aging, Long Island, politics, depression, radio. Segment scheduled to air Jan. 23, 2016 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.
Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast. All content (c)2016 TotalTheater Productions.
More information on Dave’s Gone By:
Shalom Dammit! This is Rabbi Sol Solomon with a Rabbinical Reflection for the new year! January 1st, 2016.
It has been an interesting year, this 2015. Not terrible. Not miserable. Not even a dull headache like most years. 2015 had its ups, it had its downs—kind of like Liza Minnelli’s medicine chest.
Let’s get the bad stuff out of the way. This was the year when terrorism said, “I’m baaack.” Not that it ever went away. Not that jihadists haven’t been wreaking mayhem all over the world since 9/11. Since before 9/11. But this was the year it hit home again: the year animals shot up a Paris cafe because they didn’t like Charlie Hebdo magazine’s cartoons. I mean, Gasoline Alley, I understand. Marmaduke, Rhymes with Orange—never funny. Even Hagar the Horrible is looking a little long in the tooth, but you’re gonna go psycho over French cartoons? Put down the Koran and eat a brioche.
But poor France; one attack wasn’t enough. The religion of peace struck again in November, when 130 people were killed in coordinated attacks and bombings. The murderers, of course, had ties to Isis. But whether it was chocolate isis or lemon ices, I don’t know. The good news is that Paris pushed back and killed the ringleader of the carnage, just weeks after three American friends on vacation in Amsterdam jumped on a knife-wielding turbanista and foiled his plot on a train. I guess he didn’t learn from New York that the best way to terrorize people on a train is to start breakdancing, yelling jokes, and then asking for money.
Wait, what? You’re not satisfied? You want more terrorism? Okay, let’s go to San Bernadino. I mean, who hasn’t wanted to kill everyone at a bad office party? But you had this couple – Sayed Farook and his charming wife, Tashfeen, being helped by a Hispanic neighbor to slaughter a group of white, Asian and African co-workers. Who said America can’t be multicultural?
And of course, not all murder is Mohammedan. Yes, you’ve got a civil war in Syria, where the Arabs are killing each other—so who cares? But this autumn also saw Robert Dear enter a Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs and kill three people in the name of Jesus. “I’m a warrior for the babies,” he said. No, asshole, you’re a warrior for little blobs with heartbeats that no one wants to take care of. I just think the guy’s pissed because he looks like Nick Nolte on a bad hair day. Well, even-worse hair day.
Moving away from religious nuts with guns, this was also the year of authorities with guns—specifically policemen shooting first and suppressing evidence later. I’m not saying all the black men shot in the back by men in blue were choirboys, but if you’re not armed, and you’re running away or chained to the back seat of a car, you should be able to live long enough for an arraignment.
And speaking of dead black people, you’d think schvartzes would be safe in church, but no. Back in June, white supremacist Dylann Roof pops into a church in Charleston and kills nine in the congregation. And you thought my sermons were boring.
Well, there’s certainly nothing boring about politics this year. Though the presidential election isn’t for another ten months, we’ve already had 12 months of mind-boggling insanity, almost all of it on the Republican side. The front-runner is a businessman who’s gone bankrupt four times, a public speaker who makes fun of cripples, and a bully who thinks he can keep all Muslims from entering the USA. In other words, Donald Trump is a man after my own heart. And his competition? Right-wing Conservative Christian crazies, a brilliant heart surgeon who doesn’t believe in evolution, a Cuban novice who wants to give everybody a gun and nobody an abortion, Rand Paul . . . `nuff said, a fat guy from New Jersey who commandeers his own highway, and Jeb Bush, a man whose whole family should have a thousand-yard restraining order from coming anywhere near the White House. They shouldn’t even be allowed near regular houses that are painted white.
On the other side, you’ve got Hilary Clinton, who will do and say anything to stay in power. Any philosopher who says there’s no such thing as objective truth had to be studying Mr. and Mrs. Clinton. But hey, half of politics is knowing what to say—and what not to say—at any given moment. Or what to say when you’re actually doing the opposite. Or what to say when you’re doing nothing at all, which qualifies you for Congress. Hilary thought she’d cakewalk through the Democratic nomination, but then comes this angry brazen Jew, a cross between Jackie Mason and the math professor who terrified you in 12th grade. No, I don’t mean me, I mean Bernie Sanders. Can you imagine Americans electing a Jewish, socialist President named Bernie? It’d be wonderful but my God, the fireside chats? The man has two styles of rhetoric: yelling and louder yelling. He takes the oath of office, half the pigeons are gonna fly in a panic out of Washington DC.
Oh, and in the lighter side of politics, the biggest Broadway musical of the century so far is not about cats, it’s not about Mormons, and it’s not even about homosexuals. How the hell did it find a theater? But it did, and “Hamilton” is doing for our first Secretary of the Treasury what A Streetcar Named Desire did for streetcars. And desires. Meanwhile, “Star Wars” is back. No, I don’t mean Taylor Swift versus Katie Perry, I mean “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” which is already the eighth-highest-grossing movie of all time. Somehow it beat out “Human Centipede III,” but that’s just because most people watched it on GAF viewmaster. Seriously, though, Mark Kermode, film critic for the UK Guardian wrote, and I quote, “this satire of grotesque American culture is as appealing as being force-fed warm diarrhea.” Unquote. Which begs the question, is that better or worse than being force-fed ice-cold diarrhea?
It’s a question they’re asking at Chipotle, where the food looks the same going out as it does coming in. And speaking of sickening, eight people were killed in Philadelphia when an Amtrak train going 100 miles an hour jumped a curve and turned over. On the positive side for Amtrak, it was their first on-time arrival all year.
The shock of the unexpected also hit sports, where the New York Mets made it to the World Series, the New York Jets lost a quarterback to a broken jaw from a fist fight, and Caitlyn Jenner killed a guy. Well, two guys, if you count Bruce. But it was a great year for gays, as the Supreme Court voted to make same-sex marriage as legal and binding as regular marriage. And no doubt as dreary and boring and sexless. Welcome to equality, guys.
And welcome 2016, you couldn’t come soon enough. There’ll be more tragedy, absurdity, beauty, stupidity, hilarity, vulgarity, disparity and, if the economy stays good, a bissel charity. Three weeks ago, nice Jewish boy Mark Zuckerberg, announced that he is donating 99 percent of his Facebook shares to worthy causes. What a mensch! What an example for the world! Oh, did I mention that I’m starting a non-profit organization to help Rabbis with rage issues? I’m kind of a test case, and I need a lot of start-up funding so Markele, if you’re listening, make the check out to Rabbi Sol Solomon, Temple Sons of Bitches in Great Neck, New York. Shana Tovah, everybody! See you in the New Year.