Dave’s Gone By #241 (10/7/2007): COLUMBUS DAZE

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 241st episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on NY’s WGBB-AM radio, Oct. 7, 2007. Info: davesgoneby.com.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest co-host: Jeff Goodman
guests: sports broadcaster Rob Kowal and spiritual leader Rabbi Sol Solomon

Featuring: Dave chats with sports broadcaster Rob Kowal, and Rabbi Sol Solomon offers his thoughts on Columbus Day. Plus: Inside Broadway.

00:00:01  DAVE GOES IN
00:14:00  GUEST: Rob Kowal
00:28:00  INSIDE BROADWAY – News and Forbidden Broadway  
00:48:00  SKIT: RABBI SOL SOLOMON ON COLUMBUS DAY (taken from “Shalom, Dammit!” TV show)
00:55:00  DAVE & JEFF (Goodman) – The Sponsors
01:03:00  JEFF – The Flight Home
01:10:00  DAVE GOES OUT

Oct. 7, 2007 Playlist: “Sail Away” (Randy Newman).

Rob Kowal
Jeff Goodman `n Dave

Dave’s Gone By Interview (9/30/2007): DAVE PRAEGER

click above to listen (audio only)

Dave Lefkowitz interviews the author of “Poop Culture,” Dave Praeger

Topics include: sanitation, excrement!

Segment originally aired Sept. 30, 2007, as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast: Full Episode

All content (c)2007 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

Dave’s Gone By #240 (9/30/2007): FECAL MATTERS

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 240th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on WGBB-AM radio, Sept. 30, 2007. Info: davesgoneby.com.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest co-host: Jeff Goodman
guest: “Poop Culture” author Dave Praeger

Featuring: Dave chats with “Poop Culture” author Dave Praeger. Plus: Inside Broadway.

00:00:01  Pre-Show Excerpt: “Alfonso”
00:08:00  DAVE GOES IN
00:20:00  GUEST: Dave Praeger
00:48:00  INSIDE BROADWAY – Sponsors & News
00:65:00  THANK YOUS from Dave & Jeff (Goodman)
01:11:00  DAVE GOES OUT

Sept. 30, 2007 Playlist: “Makin’ Poopies” (Dave), “Shaving Cream” (Benny Bell/Paul Wynn).

Dave Praeger
Dave `n Jeff Goodman

Dave’s Gone By Interview (9/23/2007): ROBERTO TIRADO

click above to listen (audio only)

Dave Lefkowitz interviews TV weatherman Roberto Tirado

Topics: meteorology, TV news

Segment originally aired Sept. 23, 2007 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast: Full Episode

All content (c)2007 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

Dave’s Gone By Interview (9/23/2007): RICHMOND SHEPARD

click above to listen (audio only)

 Dave Lefkowitz interviews actor, director and mime Richmond Shepard

Topics: The death of Marcel Marceau

Segment originally aired Sept. 23, 2007, as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast: Full Episode.

All content (c)2007 TotalTheater Productions.

Dave’s Gone By #239 (9/23/2007): YOU DO NEED A WEATHERMAN

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 239th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on NY’s WGBB-AM radio, Sept. 23, 2007. Info: davesgoneby.com.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest co-host: Jeff Goodman
guests: TV weatherman Roberto Tirado and mime artist Richmond Shepard

Featuring: Richmond Shepard remembers Marcel Marceau; Jeff Goodman’s trip to Costa Rica

00:00:00  DAVE GOES IN
00:09:00  GUEST: Richmond Shepard Remembers Marcel Marceau
00:21:00  GUEST: Roberto Tirado
00:38:00  DAVE & JEFF – Big TV News! (“Shalom, Dammit!” & “Dave’s Gone By on TV”)
00:47:00  JEFF IN COSTA RICA – The Place & The Trip
01:08:00  DAVE GOES OUT

Sept. 23, 2007 Playlist: “About the Weather” (10,000 Maniacs).

Roberto Tirado’s cd
WPIX logo
Richmond Shepard
Mar cel Marceau
Dave `n Jeff Goodman

Dave’s Gone By Interview (9/16/2007): DICK VAN PATTEN

click above to listen (audio only)

Dave Lefkowitz interviews actor Dick Van Patten

Topics include: Eight is Enough

Segment originally aired Sept. 16, 2007 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Note: Dick Van Patten passed June 23, 2015 at age 86.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast: Full Episode.

All content (c)2007 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

Dave’s Gone By #238 (9/16/2007): NEVER ENOUGH

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 238th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired live on NY’s WGBB-AM radio, Sept. 16, 2007. Info: davesgoneby.com.

Host: Dave Lefkowitz
Guest: actor Dick Van Patten
Guest co-hosts: Jeff Goodman and Dave’s wife, Joyce Weil

Featuring: Dave chats with actor Dick Van Patten. Plus: Inside Broadway.

Note: Dick Van Patten passed away June 23, 2015.

00:00:01 Pre-Show Excerpt w/ Dave, Joyce & Jeff: “Columbo”
00:04:00 DAVE GOES ON
00:16:00 BIG NEWS
00:21:00 INSIDE BROADWAY – News & Edge
00:34:00 GUEST: Dick Van Patten
00:55:00 DAVE GOES OUT

Sept. 16, 2007 Playlist: “Eight is Enough” (third episode theme song)

Dick Van Patten
Angelica Torn in Edge
Dave `n Jeff Goodman

Dave’s Gone By Interview (9/9/2007): ROBBY BENSON

Dave Lefkowitz interviews actor and author Robby Benson

Topics include: Death Be Not Proud, The Chosen, One on One

Segment originally aired Sept. 16, 2007 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast: Full Episode

All content (c)2007 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

Dave’s Gone By #237 (9/9/2007): WHO STOLE THE FUNNY?

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 237th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on NY’s WGBB-AM radio, Sept. 9, 2007. Info: davesgoneby.com.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest co-host: Jeff Goodman
guests: author-actor Robby Benson and Dave’s wife, Joyce 

Featuring: Dave chats with author/actor Robby Benson. Plus a farewell to Luciano Pavarotti

00:00:01  Pre-Show Excerpt: DAVE & JOYCE
00:07:00  DAVE GOES IN
00:12:00  GUEST: Robby Benson
01:00:00  THANK YOUS (Dave)
01:05:00  DAVE SAYS BYE: Luciano Pavarotti
01:11:00  DAVE GOES OUT 

Sept. 9, 2007 Playlist: “Miss Sarajevo” (The Passengers & Luciano Pavarotti).

 (Pictured: Robby Benson and his novel, Jeff Goodman, Luciano Pavarotti)

Robby Benson
Luciano Pavarotti
Jeff Goodman
your host