Dave Lefkowitz chats with Jon Goodman, the son of novelty-record pioneer Dickie Goodman.
Topics include: Dickie Goodman, mash-ups, sampling and cut-in records.
Segment originally aired Dec. 8, 2012 on the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.
Note: Interview segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.
All content (c)2012 TotalTheater Productions.
More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com More information on Rabbi Sol Solomon: http://www.shalomdammit.com
click above to listen to the episode (audio only).
Here is the 403rd episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on UNC Radio, Dec. 8, 2012. Info: davesgoneby.com.
Featuring: Dave chats with Jon Goodman, son of novelty-record pioneer Dickie Goodman. Plus: Inside Broadway, Saturday Segues (Dave Brubeck & Chanukah), the News Gone By, Bob Dylan – Sooner & Later (finals), and Rabbi Sol Solomon’s Rabbinical Reflection on Chanukah.
Host: Dave Lefkowitz
Guest: biographer Jon Goodman
00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN 00:08:00 SATURDAY SEGUE – Dave Brubeck 00:37:30 INSIDE BROADWAY 01:01:00 Sponsors 01:09:00 GUEST: Jon Goodman 01:58:30 BOB DYLAN – Sooner & Later (finals) 02:30:00 NEWS GONE BY 02:41:30 RABBI SOL SOLOMON’S RABBINICAL REFLECTION #48 – Chanukah 02:53:30 Thanks & Friends 02:56:00 DAVE GOES OUT
Dec. 8, 2012 Playlist: “Theme from Elementals” (00:11:30), “Unsquare Dance” (00:14:30), “One Song” (00:16:30), “Blue Rondo a la Turk” (00:21:30), “Take Five” (00:28:00), “Thank You” (02:56:30; Dave Brubeck). “Sennett Song” (Chaplin 2012 Broadway cast). “On Campus” (01:06:30), “The Flying Saucer, Part 1” (01:21:00), “Mr. Jaws” (01:30:30), “Star Wars” (01:50:30) & “The Flying Saucer, Part 2” (01:54:00; Dickie Goodman). “Baby, I’m in the Mood for You” (01:59:00 ), “The Ballad of Donald White” (02:02:00), “Foot of Pride” (02:06:30), “Idiot Wind” ({live Hard Rain version}, 02:12:30) & “Final Theme” (02:22:30; Bob Dylan). “Cows with Guns” (02:36:30; Dana Lyons). “Maoz Tsuris” (02:46:00; Rabbi Sol Solomon). “Temple” (Jane Siberry). “The Dreidel Song” (02:50:00; The Groovebarbers). “Light a Candle” (02:51:30; Neil Young).