Dave’s Gone By Skit: RABBI SOL SOLOMON’S RABBINICAL REFLECTION #2 (1/23/2011): Regis Philbin


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aired January 22, 2011 on Dave’s Gone By. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWUWkjdRhb0

Shalom, Dammit!  This is Rabbi Sol Solomon with a Rabbinical Reflection for the week of January 23, 2011.

On Tuesday, television personality Regis Philbin announced that he would leave his long-running morning talk show, “Regis and Kelly,” at the end of the summer.

Mornings without Regis. Can you imagine it? That’s like breakfast without fiber. You can do it, but the rest of the day, you regret it.

Let’s give the man his props. He started in TV in the 1950s, and got his first national exposure playing second fiddle to Joey Bishop. As television goes, that’s just slightly higher than the guy who cleans coffee filters in the green room.

But Regis stuck with it. He went through show after show, failure after failure, until finally, he found his niche. I know when a proctologist found my niche, it hurt like hell.

In 1985, Philbin was muddling through a New York morning talk show when they paired him with Kathie Lee Gifford. They fit together like blintzes and sour cream, like onions and chopped liver, like mayonnaise and whatever it is goyim put mayonnaise on.

And when Kathie Lee left, everybody worried – “Oh! What will happen to the show?  Will Regis be able to find that chemistry with another annoying female?  But along came Kelly Ripa, and not only was she hot like pastrami, she was peppery, like cole slaw.

I really need to stop writing these sermons when I’m hungry.

They made a nice team; Kelly’s verve and muscular arms modulating his wry wit and creeping senility.

But all good things come to an end, and 79-year-old Regis Philbin has decided it’s time to wrap up the microphone and drain his morning cup of Metamucil.

Speculation has already begun as to what Ripa will do when Regis goes. Names are being floated for the co-host gig: Neil Patrick Harris, Anderson Cooper, and even some heterosexuals.

If I may be so bold – and if there’s one thing people know about me, it’s that I may be so bold – might I suggest that I, Rabbi Sol Solomon, be the new co-host of the program.  “Rebbe and Ripa.”  “Sol and the Skank.”  “Kelly and the Ki – ” well, anyway.

But think of it. I have so much to offer a morning chat show. I’m lively, quirky.. I have great legs. I can banter with Kelly about sports teams, like, “Ooh, how about those Colorado Broncos. Are there any Jews on that team?”

I can do zany but informative cooking segments. Like bringing in a live cow and slaughtering it to demonstrate kashrut.

And when there are guests, I can ask pointed questions like, “So, Edie Falco.  In the fifth chapter of Leviticus, HaShem warns against touching the carcass of an unclean beast. With that in mind, what was it like kissing James Gandolfini?”

I can even do the trivia questions, you know, with the wheel. Like this: “On yesterday’s show, we asked Justin Bieber whether he’s circumcised.  Was his answer yes, no, or yes but badly?”

I would be the best thing to happen to morning television since J. Fred Muggs, and I certainly smell better. (sniffs) Well, maybe not, but, hey, we could be “Kelly and Smelly!”

My dear listeners, I belong on network television. Like car crashes and earthshaking tragedies.  I would be a breath of fresh air (sniffs) well, if you don’t stand too close.

Please write to your local ABC affiliates and tell them, “You Want the Rabbi! You Want the Rabbi!” Gelman’s Jewish, he’ll understand. And if he doesn’t, there’s got to be one of our people controlling the media who will.

So Kelly, if you’re listening: forget the husband, forget the rotating co-hosts; go for the angry Jew. Your ratings will be like Mel Gibson’s wife: they won’t know what hit them, or why.

This has been a Rabbinical Reflection by Rabbi Sol Solomon, Temple Sons of Bitches in Great Neck, New York.  See you on the boob tube!

(c)2011 TotalTheater Productions

–> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=38051

Dave’s Gone By Skit: RABBI SOL SOLOMON’S RABBINICAL REFLECTION #1 (1/16/2011): Martin Luther King 


click above to listen (audio file only)

aired January 15, 2011 on Dave’s Gone By. https://davesgoneby.net/?p=38056. Youtube: https://youtu.be/3H28EMHz_9k

Shalom, Dammit!  This is Rabbi Sol Solomon with a Rabbinical Reflection for the week of January 16th, 2011.

As you may have heard in the news, a radio host in Colorado has gone on the air trashing Martin Luther King, Jr.  Actually, the host is reading a letter about King, written by someone else.  But he’s reading it over and over and over for weeks leading up to Martin Luther King Day.

The letter calls the slain civil rights leader a plastic god, a Communist, and a sexual degenerate.

Well, who of us isn’t?

I have a plastic hip, I wish we all had better healthcare, and there are things I would do to Natalie Portman that should be illegal in 37 states.  In fact, they already are illegal in the other 12.  Wait, hold it… (pause) 13, sorry.

Anyhoo, this broadcaster on something called “Pirate Radio,” a.k.a. the KKK, says MLK had feet of clay.  In other words, why do we revere and respect this man if he was such a shady character in his private life?

To this I say again: name a leader who isn’t?

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, the slave owners? FDR, who had a mistress behind – and in front of – Eleanor’s back? Golda Meir, the slut? God bless her. George W. Bush, whose college years made “Animal House” look like the Sistine Chapel? Ronald Reagan, who sold secret weapons to the nice people who became Al Qaeda?

And what of our entertainers?  The people we look to for joy and spiritual pleasure? Mel Gibson, whose bloodstream could intoxicate Ireland? David Letterman, who calls his assistants interns because he knows them internally? Rush Limbaugh – whose medicine cabinet could cure Gabrielle Giffords? Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, Jack Nicholson, Richard Burton, Steve McQueen, Cary Grant, John Lennon, Bruce Springsteen, Woody Allen, Donald Trump – all cheated on their little hausfraus at home.

Nobody’s a saint in this world – not even the saints.

So let’s go back to this numbskull at the radio station, trying to say how we shouldn’t honor the achievements of Martin Luther King… because he was a bad guy. Go look on the website of the Pirate Radio station, and see the artists they play. They play oldies, nostalgia, music you hear in bad barbershops. Gåreat. And they’re proud of it.

Their heroes… like Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Judy Garland, Tony Bennett, Glen Campbell, Waylon Jennings, Sammy Davis Jr., Hank Williams. Drugs? You could run a hospital for a year on what these people had for breakfast!

Rosemary Clooney was out of her mind; Bing Crosby was smacking his kids… But I don’t hear these people being run down. I don’t hear that radio station saying, “We’re gonna play a song by Frank Sinatra. He was an insulting, abusive bully who owed his career to the Mafia. And now, let’s hear “Young at Heart.”

My dear listeners, nobody is perfect. Especially, not you. And if we look at Martin Luther King, we should see the good, the bad, the ugly and the magnificent.

To push an agenda that urinates on this man’s legacy, under the guise of telling some kind of whole truth, is a shameless – and shameful – obfuscation.

And I don’t even know what obfuscation means, but it really sounds good, doesn’t it?

So think what you want about Martin Luther King the man, but honor Martin Luther King the poetic visionary, and most importantly –

Enjoy Martin Luther King Day the holiday! It’s a day off work! What the hell are you trying to rock the boat for? Morons!

This has been a Rabbinical Reflection by Rabbi Sol Solomon, Temple Sons of Bitches in Great Neck, New York. Shalom from every one of me to every one of you.

(c)2011 TotalTheater. all rights reserved.

—> https://youtu.be/3H28EMHz_9k

–> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=38056

–> https://wp.me/pzvIo-2sG

Dave’s Gone By #339 (1/15/2011): BELL TOWERS

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Here is the 339th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on UNC Radio, Jan. 15, 2011. Info: davesgoneby.com.

host: Dave Lefkowitz

Guests: author Joel Samberg (“Grandpa Had a Long One”) & press agent Jonathan Slaff.

Featuring: Dave chats with author Joel Samberg, the grandson of late novelty-song king, Benny Bell. Also: A talk with public relations expert Jonathan Slaff about his years working with Ellen Stewart of La MaMa E.T.C. Plus: Rabbi Sol Solomon’s Rabbinical Reflections on MLK, and Bob Dylan: “Sooner & Later.”

00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN
00:16:00 GUEST: Jonathan Slaff
00:44:00 SATURDAY SEGUE – Margaret Whiting & Broadcast
00:56:00 GUEST: Joel Samberg
02:06:00 Sponsors
02:14:00 Bob Dylan: “Sooner & Later”
02:38:00 Contest & Sponsors
02:56:00 Weather
02:59:00 DAVE SAYS BYE: Margaret Whiting
03:00:00 DAVE GOES OUT

Jan. 15, 2011 Playlist: “She’s Still Got It” (00:05:30), “Noses Run in My Family” (00:55:30), “Go Take a Ship for Yourself” (01:06:30), “Pincus the Peddler” (01:32:30) & “Everybody Wants My Fanny” (02:00:30) (Benny Bell), “Shaving Cream” Paul Wynn (arr. Benny Bell) (01:23:00). “Come On, Let’s Go” (00:12:30) & “Paper Cuts” (00:47:00; Broadcast). “Time After Time” (00:44:00), “My Foolish Heart” (00:50:30) & “It’s Great to Be Alive” (Margaret Whiting; 03:01:00). “Mama, You Been On My Mind” (02:14:30), “Tough Mama” (02:17:30), “See That My Grave is Kept Clean” (02:21:30), “Belle Isle” (02:24:00), “Moonlight” (02:27:00), “Silver Bells” (02:30:00) & “Ring Them Bells” (02:32:30) (Bob Dylan). “A Tribute to a King” (02:51:30; William Bell).

Joel Samberg
Jonathan Slaff
Jack Wrangler & Margaret Whiting
Trish Keenan
Rabbi Sol Solomon

Dave’s Gone By Interview (1/15/2011): JONATHAN SLAFF

click above to listen (audio only)

Following the death of La MaMa ETC’s founder Ellen Stewart, Dave Lefkowitz interviews company press agent Jonathan Slaff

Topics include: La MaMa, Ellen Stewart, Off-Off-Broadway.

Segment originally aired Jan. 15, 2011 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Interview segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast: Full Episode

All content (c)2011 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

Dave’s Gone By Interview (1/15/2011): JOEL SAMBERG

click above to listen (audio only)

Dave Lefkowitz interviews Benny Bell’s grandson, author Joel Samberg

Topics include: novelty music, Benny Bell, Shaving Cream.

Segment originally aired Jan. 15, 2011 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Interview segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast: Full Episode

All content (c)2011 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

Dave’s Gone By Interview (1/8/2011): CHARLES FOX

click above to listen (audio only)

Dave Lefkowitz interviews television composer Charles Fox

Topics include: theme songs, Jim Croce, Roberta Flack, “Happy Days,” “Love American Style.”

Segment originally aired Jan. 8, 2011 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Interview segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast: Full Episode

All content (c)2011 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

Dave’s Gone By #338 (1/8/2011): 21st CENTURY FOX

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 338th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on UNC Radio, Jan. 8, 2011. Info: davesgoneby.com.

Host: Dave Lefkowitz

Guest: Charles Fox

Featuring: Dave chats with songwriter & TV theme composer Charles Fox. Plus: Dave Goes Off on NPR, David Bowie birthday tribute, and Bob Dylan: “Sooner & Later.”

00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN
00:20:00 GUEST: Charles Fox
00:57:00 Dave – Friends of the Daverhood
01:12:30 SATURDAY SEGUE – David Bowie Birthday Tribute
01:50:00 Weather
01:55:30 DAVE GOES OFF: on NPR, part 1
02:03:00 BOB DYLAN – Sooner & Later
02:22:30 DAVE GOES OFF: on NPR, part 2
02:51:30 DAVE GOES OFF: on Ebert’s Tweet
02:54:00 Sponsors & Upcoming Guests
02:59:00 DAVE GOES OUT

Jan. 8, 2011 Playlist: “Killing Me Softly” (Roberta Flack; 00:15:00), “Happy Days” (00:11:00), “Love Boat Theme” (00:13:00) & “Love American Style” (00:54:00) (Charles Fox), “I Got a Name” (00:42:30; Jim Croce), “Golden Years” (01:12:30), “Because You’re Young” (01:16:30), “Never Get Old” (01:21:30), “Fill Your Heart” (01:25:30), “Somebody Up There Likes Me” (01:29:00), “God Knows I’m Good” (01:35:00), “Survive” (01:38:30), “Song for Bob Dylan” (02:03:00) & “Heroes” (03:00:00; David Bowie). “Love Minus Zero/No Limit” (live; 02:07:00), “What Can I Do for You” (02:11:00), Obviously Five Believers” (02:19:30), “They Killed Him” (02:23:00) & “I Shall Be Free No. 10” (02:27:00; Bob Dylan), “Wallflower” (02:17:00; Doug Sahm & Band). “Everybody Wants My Fanny” (02:57:30; Benny Bell).
(pictured: Charles Fox, NPR, David Bowie)

Charles Fox
David Bowie

Dave’s Gone By Interview (12/31/2009): MARSHALL EFRON & ALFA-BETTY OLSEN

click above to listen (audio only)

Dave Lefkowitz interviews humorists Marshall Efron and Alfa-Betty Olsen

This interview originally aired Dec. 31, 2009 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Sad Note: Our Friend of the Daverhood, Marshall Efron, passed Sept. 30, 2019 at age 81.

Please Note: Interview segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast: Full Episode

All content (c)2010 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

Dave’s Gone By #337 (12/25/2010): WASSAIL AWAY

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 337th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on UNC Radio, Dec. 25, 2010. Info: davesgoneby.com.

Host: Dave Lefkowitz

Guest: Dave’s wife Joyce

Featuring: Dave is joined by his lovely wife, Joyce, in celebrating Festivus and other seasonal holidays via decidedly non-traditional music.

00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN – Festivus
00:22:00 SATURDAY SEGUE – Xmas
00:38:00 GUEST: Joyce
00:59:00 Dave
01:11:00 SATURDAY SEGUE – More Xmas
01:34:30 DAVE GOES OFF – Airport Screenings
01:44:00 More News
01:47:00 SATURDAY SEGUE: Xmas Continued
02:00:00 GUEST: Joyce Weil
02:03:00 Bob Dylan: “Sooner & Later” (Xmas)
02:25:30 Dave & Joyce
02:52:00 Sponsors
02:57:00 DAVE GOES OUT

Dec. 25, 2010 Playlist: “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies” (00:22:00) & “Auld Lang Syne” (01:30:00 & 02:01:00) & “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” (02:40:30; Flatulina). “The Lonely Jew on Christmas” (00:24:00; South Park). “Santa Claus is Watching You” (00;26:00; Ray Stevens). “My First Christmas as a Woman” (00:30:00; The Vandals). “It’s So Chic to Be Pregnant at Christmas” (00:32:00; Nancy White). “Gridlock Christmas” (00:35:00; The Hollytones). “Jingle Bells” (00:41:00; Barking Dogs). “Mr. Chicken Does Jingle Bells” (00:43:00). “Farm Animal Jingle Bells” (00:45:00) & “The Diarrhea Song” (Youtube clips; 00:50:00). “There Ain’t No Santa Claus on the Evening Stage” (01:10:00; Captain Beefheart). “I’m a Christmas Tree” (01:14:00; Wild Man Fischer & Dr. Demento). “A Terrorist Christmas” (01:15:00; James & Kling). “We Killed Santa Claus” (01:18:00) & “Santasia” (01:54:00; Baxter Holvoe), “Hanukkah Rocks” (01:19:30; Gefilte Joe & the Fish). “Christmas in Cape Town” (01:23:00; Randy Newman). “No Christmas in Kentucky” (01:27:00; Phil Ochs). “River” (01:47:00; Joni Mitchell). “There Ain’t No Santa Claus” (01:51:00; Benny Bell). “A Christmas Carol” (01:58:30) & “The Masochism Tango” 02:37:00; Tom Lehrer). “Do You Hear What I Hear” (02:03:30), “The Christmas Blues” (02:06:30), “Gospel Plow” (02:09:30), “I Believe in You” (00:39:00), “Must Be Santa” (02:16:00) & “Forever Young” (live; 02:18:30; Bob Dylan). “Where the Wild Roses Grow” (02:41:00; Nick Cave). “Never You Change” (02:45:00; Toots & the Maytals). “The Sound of Silence” (02:49:00; Simon & Garfunkel).



Dave’s Gone By #336 (12/18/2010): MASTER CLASTER

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 336th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on UNC Radio, Dec. 18, 2010. Info: davesgoneby.com.

host: Dave Lefkowitz

guest: Bob Claster (radio host & musician)

Featuring: Dave chats with former KCRW-FM radio host Bob Claster about his interviews with comedy legends; Dave Says Bye to Captain Beefheart.  

00:00:00 DAVE GOES IN – Remembering Captain Beefheart
00:18:00 SATURDAY SEGUE: Captain Beefheart
00:32:00 GUEST: Bob Claster
02:49:30 Sponsors & Weather
02:58:00 DAVE GOES OUT

Dec. 18, 2010 Playlist: “Debra Kadabra” (00:18:00; Captain Beefheart & Frank Zappa), “Ella Guru” (00:25:30; XTC), “Moonlight on Vermont” (00:22:00), “Her Eyes are a Blue Million Miles” (00:28:00), “The Blimp (Mousetrapreplica)” (00:31:00), “Frownland” (00:43:30), “Bat Chain Puller” (00:51:00), “When I See Mommy I Feel Like a Mummy” (02:49:30) & Veteran’s Day Poppy (03:01:00; Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band). “Mom & Pop” (01:12:00) & “Thinking of You and the Things that We Said” (02:36:00) (Bob Claster). “That’s Mathematics” (Tom Lehrer, 01:27:30).

Bob Claster
The Magic Band
Don Van Vliet