Dave’s Gone By Interview (4/18/2015): BILL PLYMPTON

Click above to listen (audio only).

Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews animator Bill Plympton.

Topics include: Your Face, Cheatin’, animation, Disney.

Segment scheduled to air April 18, 2015 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.

All content (c)2015 TotalTheater Productions. More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

More information about Rabbi Sol Solomon: http://www.shalomdammit.com

Bill Plympton

Dave’s Gone By #505 (4/11/2015): TIBER BALM

click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 505th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on UNC Radio, April 11, 2015. Info: davesgoneby.com.

Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with author Elliot Tiber. Plus: Inside Broadway, The Wretched Pun of Destiny (Uber), Bob Dylan – Sooner & Later (spare cash), Saturday Segues (Julie Wilson, Stan Freberg), Greeley Crimes & Old Times

Note: Apologies for the mixed sound quality of the first segment!

Note: Elliot Tiber passed away 8/3/16.

Host: Dave Lefkowitz

Guests: author Elliot Tiber (“After Woodstock”), Dave’s wife Joyce and their friend, Edie

00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN w/ Joyce (whine, Tiber’s life)
00:30:30 SATURDAY SEGUE – Julie Wilson (includes excerpt of 2007 interview (00:43:30)
01:01:00 Sponsors
01:11:00 GUEST: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews Elliot Tiber
02:07:00 More Sponsors
02:42:00 BOB DYLAN – Sooner & Later (Spare Cash)
03:04:30 Weather w/ Joyce
03:16:00 GUEST: Edie D.
03:30:00 GREELEY CRIMES & OLD TIMES w/ Joyce & Edie
04:02:00 Friends
04:12:30 SATURDAY SEGUE – Stan Freberg
04:37:00 Thanks & Upcoming
04:39:00 DAVE GOES OUT

April 11, 2015 Playlist: “Of Thee I Sing/`Swonderful” (00:37:00), “The Party’s Over” (00:46:30), “I am Loved” (00:49:30) & “I Wish You Love” (04:40:30; Julie Wilson). “The Music Went Out of My Life” (00:39:00; Legs Diamond Broadway cast w/ Julie Wilson). “Old, Old Woodstock” (02:01:00; Van Morrison). “Gigi” (02:39:30; Bing Crosby). “Girl from the North Country” (02:48:00; Bob Dylan & Johnny Cash). “Wanted Man” (02:52:00). “Big River” (02:55:00; Bob Dylan). “Don’t Think Twice, It’s Alright” (02:58:30; Johnny Cash). “John and Marsha” (04:17:30), “Little Blue Riding Hood” (04:20:00), “Side Effects” (04:23:30), “The Sale of Manhattan” (04:27:00), “The Ceiling of My Mind” (04:31:00) & “Finale – So Long, Friend” (04:33:30; Stan Freberg).

Elliot Tiber
Julie Wilson
Stan Freberg
Johnny Cash & Bob Dylan
uber time

Dave’s Gone By Interview (4/11/2015): ELLIOT TIBER & Rabbi Sol Solomon

click above to listen (audio only).

Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews author Elliot Tiber

Topics include: After Woodstock, Andre Ernotte, Belgium, Rue Haute

Segment aired April 11, 2015 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Note: Elliot Tiber passed away 8/3/16.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.

All content (c)2015 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

More information about Rabbi Sol Solomon: http://www.shalomdammit.com

Dave’s Gone By #504 (4/4/2015): CLEAN `N `SOVER

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 504th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on UNC Radio April 4, 2015. Info: davesgoneby.com.

Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with life coach Dr. Greg Marcus. Plus: Rabbi Sol’s Rabbinical Reflection on Passover’s Plagues, Inside Broadway, Saturday Segues (Muddy Waters, in the news), Dylan – Sooner & Later (Nashville Skyline), Wretched Pun of Destiny (chess match), Greeley Crimes & Old Times.

Guest: author Greg Marcus, Dave’s wife Joyce

00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN w/ Joyce (supervisor, critics in NOLA, broken rimshot, psychotic break)
01:10:00 Sponsors
01:16:30 SATURDAY SEGUE – Muddy Waters
02:08:30 GUEST: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews Greg Marcus
02:51:30 BOB DYLAN – Sooner & Later (Nashville Skyline)
03:08:30 WRETCHED PUN OF DESTINY #31 (Chess Match)
03:10:30 Friends
03:25:00 RABBI SOL SOLOMON’S RABBINicAL REFLECTION #121 – Passover’s Plagues
03:37:00 Weather
03:38:30 SATURDAY SEGUE – In the News
03:56:00 DAVE GOES OUT

April 4, 2015 Playlist: “Rollin’ Stone” (01:21:00), “Mannish Boy” (01:24:30), “Walkin’ Thru the Park” (01:27:00) & “The Blues had a Baby and they Named it Rock and Roll” (01:30:30; Muddy Waters). “You Made the Wait Worthwhile” (Honeymoon in Vegas w/ Tony Danza & Brynn O’Malley). “Don’t Talk to Me About Work” (02:48:00; Lou Reed). “Lay Lady Lay” (02:55:00), “Tell Me that it isn’t True” (02:58:00), “I Threw it All Away” ({Alternate Version} 03:00:30) & “One More Night” (03:03:00; Bob Dylan). “Indiana” (03:39:00; Kate Jacobs). “Nuclear” (03:42:30; Ryan Adams). “A Case of You” (03:46:00; Joni Mitchell). “Not Fade Away” (03:50:00; The Rolling Stones). “Seder Dance” (04:09:30; Don Byron).

Greg Marcus
Muddy Waters
Dylan’s Nashville Skyline
Rabbi Sol Solomon

Dave’s Gone By Interview (4/4/2015): GREG MARCUS & Rabbi Sol Solomon

click above to listen (audio only).

Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews life coach & author Greg Marcus

Topics include: Mussar, Judaism, Passover, workaholics, genetics

Segment aired April 4, 2015 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.

All content (c)2015 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

Dave’s Gone By Interview (3/28/2015): MATTHEW DAVIS

Click above to listen (audio only)

Dave’s Gone By Interview (3/28/15): MATTHEW DAVIS

Dave Lefkowitz and his wife Joyce chat with UNC Radio programming director Matthew Davis 

Topics include: Greeley, Garden City, archiving

Segment aired March 28, 2015 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio show/podcast program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations.  For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.

All content (c)2015 TotalTheater Productions.                                                   

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

More about Rabbi Sol Solomon: http://www.shalomdammit.com

Dave’s Gone By #503 (3/28/2015): FRONTAL LOEB

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 503rd episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on UNC Radio, March 28, 2015. Info: davesgoneby.com.

Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with singer-songwriter Lisa Loeb. Plus: Rabbi Sol’s Rabbinical Reflection on Benjamin Netanyahu, Inside Broadway, Greeley Crimes & Old Times, The Wretched Pun of Destiny (Horse Show), Dylan – Sooner & Later (Live `64), Saturday Segues (Chapman/Jones, In the News).

Host: Dave Lefkowitz

Guests: musician Lisa Loeb, UNC Radio programming director Matthew Davis, Dave’s wife Joyce

00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN w/ Matthew Davis & Joyce (archiving, Sage the Gemini, Marathon `33, Mr. Pickles, Garden City)
01:17:00 DAVE GOES FURTHER IN (chickens, chi-town)
01:23:30 Sponsors
01:29:30 SATURDAY SEGUE – Tracy Chapman & Norah Jones
02:28:30 GUEST: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews Lisa Loeb
03:17:00 THE WRETCHED PUN OF DESTINY #30 (Horse Show)
03:20:00 BOB DYLAN – Soon & Later (Live 1964)
03:36:00 Friends
03:58:00 SATURDAY SEGUE – In the News
04:19:00 Weather & Thanks
04:23:30 DAVE GOES OUT

March 28, 2015 Playlist: “Happy Pills” (01:33:00; Norah Jones). “Down in the Willow Garden” (01:41:30; Norah Jones & Billie Joe Armstrong). “Paper and Ink” (01:37:00) & “3,000 Miles” (01:46:00; Tracy Chapman). “Finale” (02:22:00; Cabaret 1998 Broadway cast). “Garden of Delights” (02:26:00), “A Hot Minute” (02:35:00), “The 90’s” (02:44:30), “Stay” (02:50:30), “Truthfully” (02:59:00), “The Cookie Jar Song” (03:04:30), “Linger” (03:12:30) & “Going Away” (04:25:30; Lisa Loeb). “If You Gotta Go, Go Now” ({live} 03:23:00), “Spanish Harlem Incident” ({live} 03:27:00; Bob Dylan) “It Ain’t Me, Babe” ({live}; 03:30:00; Bob Dylan & Joan Baez). “From the Air” (03:58:30; Laurie Anderson). “Would Be Killer” (04:03:00; Gnarls Barkley). “Cruise Around the Planets” (04:05:30; Anonymous). “Ketchup” (04:06:30; Tom Paxton). “Not Guilty” (04:09:30; Destry Rides Again Bway cast). “Tomorrow Looks Good from Here” (04:11:00; One Man, Two Guv’nors Bway cast w/ James Corden).

Lisa Loeb
Benjamin Netanyahu
Tracy Chapman
Norah Jones
Dylan’s Live 1964
horse show

Dave’s Gone By Interview (3/28/2015): LISA LOEB & Rabbi Sol Solomon

Click above to listen to the interview (audio only).

Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews musician Lisa Loeb

Topics include: camp, Judaism, music, Ethan Hawke, Camp Kappawanna.

Segment aired March 28, 2015 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.

All content (c)2015 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

More information about Rabbi Sol Solomon: http://www.shalomdammit.com

Dave’s Gone By #502 (3/21/2015): SPEAKING FRANK-LY

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only)

Here is the 502nd episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on UNC Radio, March 21, 2015. Info: davesgoneby.com.

Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with author Paulette Frankl (“Marcel and Me”). Plus: Inside Broadway, Greeley Crimes & Old Times, Saturday Segues (Ray Dorset, Benny Bell), Dave’s Gone Cultural (Judy Collins), Dylan – Sooner & Later (All Back Home), Wretched Pun of Destiny (Harry Potter).

Host: Dave Lefkowitz
Guests: author Paulette Frankl, UNC Radio programming director Matthew Davis, Dave’s wife Joyce

00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN w/ Matthew Davis & Joyce (new board!),
00:54:30 Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews Paulette Frankl
01:48:00 SATURDAY SEGUE – Ray Dorset
02:05:30 Sponsors
02:36:00 DAVE’S GONE CULTURAL – Judy Collins
02:54:00 BOB DYLAN – Sooner & Later (All Back Home)
03:12:00 More Sponsors
03:18:00 THE WRETCHED PUN OF DESTINY #29 (Harry Potter)
03:24:00 Friends
03:34:30 SATURDAY SEGUE – Benny Bell
03:49:00 DAVE GOES OUT

March 21, 2015 Playlist: “In the Summertime” (01:49:30), “It’s a Secret” (01:53:30), “Wild Love” (01:56:00) & “Mighty Man” (01:59:00; Mungo Jerry). “Two By Two” (02:32:00; The Book of Mormon 2011 Broadway cast). “Pretty Women” (02:50:30; Judy Collins). “Who Do You Love” (02:59:00; John Hammond, Jr.). “Outlaw Blues” (03:02:00) & “The Gates of Eden” (03:05:00; Bob Dylan). “Girl from Chicago” (03:36:30), “When We were Two Little Boys” (03:39:00), “Moishe Pipick” (03:41:30) & “Yum Yum Yum” (03:44:00; Benny Bell). “Springtime in the Rockies” (03:54:00; Slim Whitman).

Matthew Davis
Ray Dorset
Benny Bell
Judy Collins
Dylan’s Bringing it All Back Home

Dave’s Gone By Interview (3/21/2015): PAULETTE FRANKL & Rabbi Sol Solomon

click above to listen (audio only).

Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews author, mime and artist Paulette Frankl

Topics include: Marcel Marceau, mime, Tony Serra, courtroom sketches.

Segment aired March 21, 2015 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.

All content (c)2015 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com