Dave’s Gone By Wretched Pun of Destiny #057 (2/20/2016): APPLES

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The 57th Wretched Pun of Destiny segment aired Feb. 20, 2016 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.

All content (c)2016 TotalTheater Productions.
More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

Bob Dylan and Moby are touring together and stay overnight in upstate New York. In the morning, they decide to visit an apple orchard and pick fruit. They have a fabulous time until early afternoon, when Moby returns to his trailer to work on some music.

Dylan stays behind and takes a tour of the facilities—specifically where the owners bottle their homemade juice and cider. They love showing the rock star their warehouse and the giant outdoor drums where apples are turned into different beverages. So eager is Dylan to get a look at the inner workings of the equipment that he leans too far over a giant cider tub and falls in. The tub’s only a quarter full, so drowning’s not an issue, but it is gross because floating on the surface of the cider are all these tiny brown pellets.

“This is insect poop, isn’t it?” Dylan calls up to the workmen.

“How’d you know?” they yell back.

“This happened to me before, also in the northeast.”

“You’re right,” shout the workmen. “This time of year, we get infested with praying mantises, and they poop all over the place. Now hold on for a few minutes, and we’ll find a ladder to help you climb out.”

Dylan agrees, and while he’s waiting for the workmen to return, his cell phone rings.

“Bob!” says Moby on the phone. “We’re onstage in three hours. Where are you?”

“Well,” says Dylan, “remember what happened that time in Vermont with the apples and the insects?”

“Oh, no!,” says Moby. “You fell in the juice tub?”

“That’s right,” says Dylan. “I’m Stuck in Cider, Moby, with the Mantis Poos Again.”

Dave’s Gone By #477 (9/6/2014): SOMETHING TO FINK ABOUT

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 477th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on UNC Radio, Sept. 6, 2014. Info: davesgoneby.com.

Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with singer-songwriter Janis Ian. Plus: Rabbi Sol’s Rabbinical Reflection (“Uzi Does It”), Bob Dylan – Sooner & Later (#11), Saturday Segues (Moby, Chrissie & Aimee), Inside Broadway, The Wretched Pun of Destiny (Muffins)

Guest: musician Janis Ian, Dave’s wife Joyce

Note: This episode has some audio issues, including some sections being monophonic on only one track. Apologies!

00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN w/ Joyce Weil (back at last, chalk talk, potato!, teachin’, scripted comedy, Uzi girl, polka!)
01:12:00 SATURDAY SEGUE (Moby)
01:56:00 GUEST: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews Janis Ian
02:42:00 Friends
02:50:00 Wretched Pun of Destiny – Muffins
02:52:00 Bob Dylan – Sooner & Later (the 11th)
03:24:00 SATURDAY SEGUES – Chrissie & Aimee
03:51:30 Thanks
03:54:00 DAVE GOES OUT

Sept. 6, 2014 Playlist: “Honey” (01:15:30), “Mothers of the Night” (01:19:00), “Dream About Me” (01:22:00), “South Side” (01:25:30), “Guitar, Flute and String” (01:29:00) & “We are All Made of Stars” (01:31:30; Moby). (01:52:30; Big Broadway cast w/ Barbara Walsh). “At Seventeen” (01:56:30), “On the Dark Side of Town” (02:18:30), “Play Like a Girl” (02:26:00), “Searching for America” (02:33:00) & “When the Party’s Over” (04:01:30; Janis Ian). “Wiggle Wiggle” (02:56:00), “Tin Angel” (02:58:00), “Cry A While” (03:07:00) & “God Knows” (03:12:00; Bob Dylan). “You Didn’t Have To” (03:29:00) & “Human” (03:35:30; The Pretenders). “Like in the Movies” (03:43:30; Chrissie Hynde). “(Believed You Were) Lucky” (03:32:00; `Til Tuesday).” “Slip and Roll” (03:39:30) & “Ballantines” (03:47:00).

Janis Ian
Chrissie Hynde
Aimee Mann
The Uzi Girl
the chalky girl