Dave’s Gone By #59 (1/5/2004): OH FOUR HEAVEN’S SAKE!

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 59th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on NY’s WGBB-AM, Jan. 5, 2004. Info: davesgoneby.com. 

host: Dave Lefkowitz

Featuring: Dave Goes Off on the New Year. Plus: the satirical News Gone By, and tributes to David Bowie’s birthday and black & white M&Ms.

00:00:01  DAVE GOES IN: A quiet new year, an email onslaught, and the beauty of radio.
00:24:00  NEWS GONE BY: Terrorism Chess; Ben Franklin – Terrorist; Arts Funding; Iranian Mirthquake; Swingline Dollah-Dollah; Oyster Solidarity; Frivolous Lawsuit Time (Playground Mishap); McDonald’s Spilling & Starbucks Burning; Jets and Sharks; Dead Man Dangling (Bad Pun of the Week); Adios Ephedra; M&Ms in B&W; The Inc; My Big Fat Obnoxious Title; Croc Teaser; Bull on the Highway; Steinbrenner Faints; When a Bee Smells Blood; The Toilet Bowl; Food Chain Barbie.
01:10:00  DAVE GOES OUT: Birthday tribute to David Bowie; Thank Yous.

Playlist: “Five Years,” “Fantastic Voyage,” “Golden Years” & “Heroes” (David Bowie), “Coffee in a Cardboard Cup” (The World Goes `Round off-Broadway cast recording); “B-Side” ({live version}; Loudon Wainwright III); “B&W M&Ms” (Dave).

David Bowie
your host

Dave’s Gone By #13 (12/29/2002): AND GOOD RIDDANCE!

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

 Here is the 13th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on Long Island, NY’s WGBB-AM radio, Dec. 29, 2002. Info: davesgoneby.com.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest: J.P. Roth

Featuring: Dave bids a not-so-fond farewell to 2002 with the satirical News Gone By and guest J.P. Roth. Plus: a farewell to Joe Strummer; Dave Gets Trivial & Cultural.

00:00:00 DAVE GOES IN
00:02:00 NEWS GONE BY
00:17:00 DAVE’S GONE CULTURAL – Best & Worst Theater of 2002
00:23:00 DAVE REMEMBERS: Joe Strummer
00:32:00 DAVE’S GOT GUESTS: Drug enforcement expert, J.P.
00:42:00 DAVE GETS TRIVIAL: “Clink!”
00:49:00 Dave on the New Year
00:54:00 DAVE GOES OUT

December 29, 2002 Playlist: “Death or Glory” (The Clash), “Clink & Drink” (Spike Jones), “A Long December” (The Counting Crows).

Jeff Roth
Joe Strummer
Happy New Year!
your host