Dave’s Gone By Interview (3/4/2007): RICHARD SKIPPER

click above to listen (audio only)

Dave Lefkowitz and Peter Fitzgerald interview Carol Channing impersonator Richard Skipper

Topics include: Carol Channing, cabaret, female impersonation.

Segment originally aired March 4, 2007 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast: Full Episode

All content (c)2007 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

Dave’s Gone By #210 (3/4/2007): PUT ON YOUR SUNDAY CLONES

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 210th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on NY’s WGBB-AM radio, March 4, 2007. Info: davesgoneby.com.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest: actor and Carol Channing impersonator Richard Skipper

Featuring: Dave chats with Richard Skipper, and WGLFAR’s Peter Fitzgerald chats with Richard Skipper as Carol Channing. Plus: World Weird Web & Inside Broadway (Journey’s End, The Voysey Inheritance) .

00:00:01  DAVE GOES IN
00:12:00  GUEST: Richard Skipper
00:30:00  Peter Fitzgerald interviews Richard Skipper as Carol Channing
00:45:00  INSIDE BROADWAY – News, Journey’s End, Voysey Inheritance
01:01:00  WORLD WEIRD WEB – You Tube
01:10:00  DAVE GOES OUT

March 4, 2007 Playlist: “I Put My Hand In,” “Hello, Dolly!” & “So Long, Dearie” (Hello, Dolly!).

Richard Skipper and Carol Channing
Journey’s End
The Voysey Inheritance
Evan Pappas
your host

Dave’s Gone By Interview (2/25/2007): DAVID BROMBERG

click above to listen (audio only)

Dave Lefkowitz interviews folk musician David Bromberg

Topics include: folk, guitars, Bob Dylan.

This segment originally aired Feb. 25, 2007 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast: Full Episode

All content (c)2007 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

Dave’s Gone By #208 (2/18/2007): ICE POP

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 208th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on NY’s WGBB-AM radio, Feb. 18, 2007. Info: davesgoneby.com.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guests: Dave’s dad, Philip Lefkowitz, his sister, Bonnie Pinkow, and Dave’s wife, Joyce

Featuring: Dave celebrates his dad’s birthday with Philip Lefkowitz and his sister, Bonnie Pinkow. Plus: Inside Broadway & Dave Goes Off on the cold weather.

00:00:01  DAVE GOES IN w/ Joyce Weil
00:10:00  DAVE GOES OFF – Ice, Ice, Baby
00:16:00  INSIDE BROADWAY – News & Obits
00:38:00  GUEST: aunt Bonnie Pinkow
00:59:00  DAVE & JOYCE – Dave’s Dad
01:04:00  Happy Birthday Dad w/ Philip Lefkowitz
01:09:00  DAVE GOES OUT

February 18, 2007 Playlist: “Mona Lisa” (Nat King Cole), “First You Dream” (Steel Pier).

Philip Lefkowitz
Bonnie Pinkow
Ray Evans
Dave `n dad

Dave’s Gone By #207 (2/11/2007): SEX AND THE MARRIED RABBI

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 207th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, on NY’s WGBB-AM radio, Feb. 11, 2007. Info: davesgoneby.com.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guests: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews sex educator Karinna Kittles-Karsten

Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon cozies up to sex and love expert Karinna Kittles-Karsten. Plus: Inside Broadway & GrimSpa with Anna Nicole.

00:00:00  DAVE GOES IN
00:11:00  SEX AND THE MARRIED RABBI: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews “love educator” Karinna Kittles-Karsten
00:57:00  SKIT: GrimSpa, with Anna Nicole
01:05:00 DAVE GOES OUT

February 11, 2007 Playlist: “(Get Up) I Feel Like Being a Sex Machine” (James Brown), “Symphony in Blue” (Kate Bush), “Big Time Sensuality” (Bjork).

Karinna Kittles-Karsten
Anna Nicole Smith
Rabbi Sol Solomon

Dave’s Gone By #206 (2/4/2007): FEBRU-WARY

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only)

Here is the 206th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on NY’s WGBB-AM, Feb. 4, 2007. Info: davesgoneby.com.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest co-host: Jeff Goodman
guests: Dave’s wife, Joyce, and his dad, Philip Lefkowitz

Featuring: Dave chats with his dad, Philip Lefkowitz, and goes off on guerilla marketing. Plus the News Gone By, Inside Broadway (Grey Gardens & The Big Voice) and the skits, Filet Barbaro, Barbaro Glue and Phil Fur.

00:00:01  Pre-Show w/ Jeff Goodman: Sick Jeff
00:06:00  DAVE GOES IN w/ Jeff n’ Joyce Weil
00:13:00  DAVE GOES OFF: Guerilla Marketing
00:22:00  SKIT: “Filet Barbaro”
00:24:00  NEWS GONE BY
00:45:00  SKIT: “Barbaro Glue”
00:47:00  INSIDE BROADWAY: Grey Gardens & The Big Voice
00:57:00  SKIT: “Phil Fur”
00:58:00  First Wrap-Up
01:03:00  The Weeks Ahead
01:06:00  DAVE’S DAD w/ Philip Lefkowitz
01:12:00  DAVE GOES OUT 

February 4, 2007 Playlist: no songs.

Christine Ebersole in Grey Gardens
electric Igniknok
Jim Brochu & Steve Schalchlin in The Big Voice
Jeff Goodman
Dave `n dad

Dave’s Gone By Interview (1/28/2007): WAJID (aka Swami Baldi Gee) & Rabbi Sol Solomon

click above to listen (audio only)

Joined by guest co-host Jeff Goodman, Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews comedian Wajid (aka Swami Baldi Gee)

Topics include: comedy, race.

This segment originally aired Jan. 28, 2007 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast: Full Episode

All content (c)2007 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com
More information on Rabbi Sol Solomon: http://www.shalomdammit.com

Dave’s Gone By #205 (1/28/2007): WAY DOWN UPON THE SWAMI

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 205th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on NY’s WGBB-AM, Jan. 28, 2007. Info: davesgoneby.com.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest co-host: Jeff Goodman
guests: Rabbi Sol Solomon and Swami Baldy Gee

Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon trades wisdom with Swami Baldy Gee. Plus: Inside Broadway and Jeff Goodman’s trip to The Price is Right.

00:00:01  Pre-Show w/ Jeff Goodman: The Price is Right
00:14:00  DAVE GOES IN: The Price is Still Right
00:27:00  GUEST – THE RABBI, THE SWAMI & ME: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews Wajid (aka Swami Baldi Gee)
00:51:00  INSIDE BROADWAY: Translations & One-Acts
01:00:00  DAVE GOES OUT

January 28, 2007 Playlist: “The Price You Pay” (Bruce Springsteen).

The Price is Right
Jeff Goodman
Rabbi Sol Solomon

Dave’s Gone By Interview (1/21/2007): JAMES HODGE

click above to listen (audio only)

Joined by guest co-host Jeff Goodman, Dave Lefkowitz interviews radio host James Hodge

Topics: Dave’s birthday, gospel music.

Segment originally aired Jan. 21, 2007 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast: Full Episode.

All content (c)2007 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

Dave’s Gone By #204 (1/21/2007): THE WINTER OF 43

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 204th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on NY’s WGBB-AM radio, Jan. 21, 2007. Info: davesgoneby.com.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest co-host: Jeff Goodman
guests: Dave’s wife, Joyce, and WGBB gospel deejay, James Hodge

Featuring: Dave celebrates his 43rd birthday with his wife, Joyce, guest co-host Jeff Goodman, and WGBB staffer James Hodge. Plus: Inside Broadway (A Jew Grows in Brooklyn), and farewells to Denny Doherty and EST’s Curt Dempster.

00:00:01  Pre-Show w/ Jeff Goodman: Birthday Cake
00:05:00  DAVE GOES IN: Birthday Boy
00:17:00  INSIDE BROADWAY: A Jew Grows in Brooklyn
00:38:00  SELF-INDULGENT RADIO w/ Jeff n’ Joyce
00:55:00  DAVE SAYS BYE: Denny Doherty & Curt Dempster
01:03:00  Thank Yous & Shout-Outs
01:10:00  DAVE GOES OUT: Felicidades

January 21, 2007 Playlist: “Happy Birthday” (Weird Al Yankovic), “Do You Wanna Dance?” & “Monday Monday” (The Mamas and the Papas).

James Hodge
Jeff Goodman
your host