Here is the 535th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on UNC Radio, Dec. 5, 2015. Info: davesgoneby.com.
Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with author Michael Colby; Inside Broadway; Bob Dylan – Sooner & Later (massacre); Saturday Segues (Tom Waits, Stone Temple Pilots); Greeley Crimes & Old Times.
Host: Dave Lefkowitz
Guests: author Michael Colby (“The Algonquin Kid”), Dave’s wife Joyce
00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN w/ Joyce (jazz hands, the Algonquin, throat singers, “Nebraska”)
01:04:00 SATURDAY SEGUE – Tom Waits
01:26:30 Sponsors
02:00:00 GUEST: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews Michael Colby
02:51:30 BOB DYLAN – Sooner & Later (massacres)
03:12:30 Sponsors & Friends
03:22:00 SATURDAY SEGUE – Stone Temple Pilots
03:34:30 Weather
03:37:00 DAVE GOES OUT
Dec. 5, 2015 Playlist: “Shiver Me Timbers” ({early years version} 01:06:00), “Metropolitan Glide” ({live} 01:10:00), “The House Where Nobody Lives” (01:13:00) & “Woe” (01:20:30; Tom Waits). “Better Off Without a Wife” (01:17:00; Pete Shelley). “China Doll” (01:57:00; Suzanne Vega). “I Can Sing” (02:01:00; Klea Blackhurst, Christine Pedi). “It Could Only Happen in the Theater” (02:19:00; Polly Pen, Merle Louise, Michael McCormick, Timothy Landfield). “In My Dreams” (02:33:30; Julie Wilson). “A Different Holiday Song” (02:46:30; Amy London, David Gurland, Susan Hale). “Talking Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre” (02:54:00), “The Groom’s Still Waiting at the Altar” (03:00:00) & “It’s All Good” (03:04:00; Bob Dylan). “Vasoline” (03:23:00), “Interstate Love Song” (03:26:00) & “Big Empty” (03:29:00; Stone Temple Pilots). “Chanukah” (03:41:00; Six13).