Dave’s Gone By #55 (12/8/2003): 99% CHRISTMAS FREE

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Here is the 55th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, on NY’s WGBB-AM radio, Dec. 8, 2003. More info: davesgoneby.com. 

host: Dave Lefkowitz

Featuring: A special non-holiday holiday show, featuring the satirical News Gone By. Plus: Dave Goes Off on the closing of The Bottom Line, and Dave’s Christmas ditty, It’s a Stiff.

00:00:01  DAVE GOES IN: Bad Weather & Too Much Christmas Everywhere.
00:25:00  DAVE GOES OFF: Farewell to The Bottom Line nightclub
00:37:00  NEWS GONE BY: Miserable Failure in Chief; Lincoln Logos; Slavery Museum; Mussolini Quits; Hitler Wine; Nursing n’ Driving; Irish Booblines; McRage (Bad Pun of the Week); Shoe Polish Cop; Birthday Barker; Times Obits; Ozzy Osbuggered; Britney Masturbates!; Barnum and Blimp; Ostracode; WBAB Killed Santa; Baby in a Bag; Wang Won’t.
01:13:00  DAVE GOES OUT: Update on Art Paul Schlosser; Promo of Stefan Zucker.

Dec. 8, 2003 Playlist: “It’s A Stiff” (Dave, 62:00), “Mal reggendo…” (Franco Corelli), “Blunt” (Art Paul Schlosser), “Santa Claus Has Got the AIDS This Year” (Tiny Tim), “Blessed Are” (Simon & Garfunkel), “River” (Joni Mitchell).

your host

Dave’s Gone By Song (12/8/2003): IT’S A STIFF

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A holiday ditty based on the true story of a woman who disposed of her unwanted infant in a not-so-Christmassy way.

Song aired Dec. 8, 2003, as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full show with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast: Full Episode.

All content (c)2003 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

Dave’s Gone By #54 (12/1/2003): 54 STUDIO

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 54th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on NY’s WGBB-AM, Dec. 1, 2003. More info: davesgoneby.com. 

host: Dave Lefkowitz

Featuring: Dave celebrates Woody Allen’s birthday and offers the satirical News Gone By. Plus: Inside Broadway (Wonderful Town) and Dave’s skits, Woody Allen Calls His Analyst and Wrong Island Cablevision.

00:00:01  DAVE GOES IN: Greetings
00:05:00  BIRTHDAY TRIBUTE: Woody Allen (w/ Woody’s Analyst skit)
00:30:00  NEWS GONE BY (War of Attrition, Clark’s Bark; Neil Bush’s Orientation; Football Escorts; Down Smelldrome (Bad Pun of the Week); Glen Campbell in the Soup; DVD Stampede; Mrs. Santa Claus; Bad Bus-ness; Good Samomitan; Dinner with Meiweiss; Smoke `em If You Steal `em”; Country Road 6FU; Geuda Guns; Garbage Man; Mouthy Python; Cablevision of Wrong Island (skit); Squid or Get Off the Pot; Too Cool To Do Ticonderoga; Boy Dog Pondering; Klan BBQ; Orgasmatron).
01:10:00  DAVE’S GONE CULTURAL: Theater Review & music from Broadway’s Wonderful Town.
01:22:00  DAVE GOES OUT: Farewells, Mailbag & Thank Yous.

December 1, 2003 Playlist: “Phoenix Envy” (Dave, 39:00), “The Ballad of Woody & Mia” (Loose Bruce Kerr), “The Great Renaldo, “Summing Up” (Woody Allen).

Donna Murphy and Jennifer Westfeldt in Wonderful Town
Woody Allen
your host

Dave’s Gone By Skit (12/1/2003): WOODY’S ANALYST

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Dave imagines a conversation between Woody Allen and his therapist.

Segment originally aired Dec. 1, 2003, as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full show with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast: Full Episode

All content (c)2003 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

Dave’s Gone By #53 (11/24/2003): YES, THANKS!

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 53rd episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on NY’s WGBB-AM Nov. 24, 2003. Info: davesgoneby.com.

host: Dave Lefkowitz

guest appearance: Joe Salzone

Featuring: Lots of comedy on this Thanksgiving episode, including the satirical News Gone By, the World Weird Web, and a Michael Jackson skit.

00:00:00  OPENING: Michael Jackson skit w/ Joe Salzone
00:12:00  DAVE GOES IN: Thanksgiving & Giving Thanks
00:44:00  WORLD WEIRD WEB: Despair.com
00:56:00  NEWS GONE BY: Jacko on Trial; Hard Off in NJ; Apple Juice n’ Elk Steak; The Naked Photographer; Beer Bash (Bad Pun of the Week); Unmaking the Grade; Gun in a Box; Hostility; Fat Cat; Oaf Loaf; A Snake in the Mouth; Long Live Lungfish; Glow Little Glowfish; Vomit Soda.
01:20:00  DAVE GOES OUT: Reasons to Be Cheerful; The Mailbag.

Nov. 24, 2003 Playlist: “Pocahontas” (Neil Young), “Thank U” (Alanis Morissette), “Fast Sioux Indian Dance,” “Reasons to be Cheerful” (Ian Dury), “Too Far Down” (Husker Du), “Poems, Prayers and Promises” (John Denver).

Michael Jackson
Joe Salzone
your host

Dave’s Gone By Skit (11/24/03): MICHAEL JACKSON

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Joe Salzone interviews controversial pop legend Michael Jackson

Segment aired Aug. 19, 2004, as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full show with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast: Full Episode

All content (c)2003 TotalTheater Productions.
More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

Dave’s Gone By Interview (11/17/2003): DAVID LEVINE

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Dave Lefkowitz interviews his cousin, former Prague resident David Levine

Topics include: The Velvet Revolution, Czechoslovakia, Prague, travel.

Segment originally aired Nov. 17, 2003 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast: Full Episode

All content (c)2003 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

Dave’s Gone By #52 (11/17/2003): VELVET REVOLUTIONS

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 52nd episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on NY’s WGBB-AM radio, Nov. 17, 2003. Info: davesgoneby.com.

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest: David Levine

Featuring: Dave’s cousin David Levine discusses life in the Czech Republic. Plus: the satirical News Gone By, the No-Freedom Insurance skit, and Dave’s tune, The Rectum of Edmund Fitzgerald.

00:00:01  DAVE GOES IN: The Czech revolution, Vladimir Pinta – artist of Prague
00:21:00  DAVE’S GOT GUESTS: David Levine discusses life in Prague
00:37:00  NEWS GONE BY: Angel Durst; Humana Remedia; Flynch; Posthumous Politics; Art Carney; Irv Kupcinet; Arriverderci Merz; “The Rectum of Edmund Fitzgerald”; Reeve Breathes; Slater Slam; Princess Charles; Hummer Bummer
01:10:00  BIRTHDAY TRIBUTE – Gordon Lightfoot
01:24:00  DAVE GOES OUT – Thank yous

Nov. 17, 2003 Playlist: “The Rectum of Edmund Fitzgerald” (Dave), “Znam Yakyeh…” (Vladimir Pinta), “Wherefor and Why” & “Did She Mention My Name?” (Gordon Lightfoot), “Early Morning Rain” (Clancy Brothers).

David Levine
Vladimir Pinta
your host

Dave’s Gone By Interview (11/10/2003): CALDWELL TITCOMB

click above to listen (audio only)

Dave Lefkowitz interviews Boston-based theater critic Caldwell Titcomb

Topics include: theater, Norton Awards, Boston, criticism.

Note: Caldwell Titcomb passed away at age 84 in June 2011.

Segment originally aired Nov. 10, 2003 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.

All content (c)2003 TotalTheater Productions.
More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

Dave’s Gone By #51 (11/10/2003): THE YOUNG BOSTONIAN

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 51st episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on NY’s WGBB-AM, Nov. 10, 2003. 

host: Dave Lefkowitz
guest: theater critic Caldwell Titcomb

Featuring: Dave’s trip to Boston and catching Robyn Hitchcock in concert there. Plus: theater critic Caldwell Titcomb, the satirical News Gone By, a birthdave tribute to Neil Young, and the skit, “Eggs, Bacon and Penis.”

Note: Caldwell TItcomb passed away in June 2011 at age 84.

00:00:01  DAVE GOES IN: A trip to Boston – Amtrak, quails, Havard Square, Robyn Hitchcock at Johnny D’s.
00:22:00  DAVE’S GONE CULTURAL: Boston theater, w/ critic Caldwell Titcomb. Reviews of Butley, Les Miz, Shear Madness
00:34:00  NEWS GONE BY: Gucci Goners; EU New; Happy Ram (Bad Pun of the Week); The Reagan Mini-series; Muscle Ache; Egg, Bacon & Penis; My Client Shot the Sheriff; Hunting Accident; Daddy Letterman; Sick Britney; Nuts to You; The Big Sloppy.
00:45:00  SKIT: Eggs, Bacon & Penis
01:01:00  SEGUE: Neil Young
01:20:00  DAVE GOES OUT

Nov. 10, 2003 Playlist: “Uncorrected Personality Traits” (Robyn Hitchcock), “Flying on the Ground is Wrong,” “Southern Man,” “Scattered” (Neil Young), “Eggs, Bacon & Penis” (Dave).

Caldwell Titcomb
Neil Young
Huntington Theatre Company’s production of Simon Gray’s “Butley” with Nathan Lane.
your host