Dave’s Gone By Interview (5/10/2014): FRANK FERRANTE & Rabbi Sol Solomon

click above to listen (audio only).

Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews Groucho maestro FRANK FERRANTE

Topics include: Groucho Marx, Marx Brothers, comedy, TeatroZinzanni, Arthur Marx.

Segment aired May 10, 2014 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.

All content (c)2014 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com
More information about Rabbi Sol Solomon: http://www.shalomdammit.com

Dave’s Gone By Skit: RABBI SOL SOLOMON’S RABBINICAL REFLECTION #90 (2/1/2014): Justin Bieber

click above to listen (audio file)


aired Feb. 1, 2014 on Dave’s Gone By. Youtube clip: http://youtu.be/GFDVqqkxzg8

Shalom Dammit! This is Rabbi Sol Solomon with a Rabbinical Reflection for the week of February 2nd, 2014.

This may come as a shock to some of you, but I am not a Belieber. Oh yes, I am a believer in God, in the Torah, in chicken soup when you’re sick – but I am not a Justin Bieber belieber. I don’t listen to his music, since I’m more of a Moishe Koussevitzky fan, and his exploits do not interest me.

If Justin Bieber gets a tattoo, or shtups a model, or posts a selfie from the hood of his Lambo, more power to him for living the high life. When I was 19 years old, I was in Yeshiva studying Talmud, I was suffering through clarinet lessons, I was in bed sleeping by 10pm…because I didn’t have a girlfriend.

If I had $20 million at that age, would I have done things differently? You’re damn right I would have! My God, I would have bought the Streits Matzoh factory and had chocolate-covered matzoh every day of the year. I’d have tricked out my Volvo with curtains and a practice bimah. I’d have bribed ushers for backstage passes to every Yaffa Yarkoni concert in the tri-State area. Would I have gotten tattoos? No, that’s a religious no-no. Plus, how would I really feel about a tramp stamp of Marvin Hamlisch when I’m 50?

But with that kind of money, sure, I might get a little meshiggeh. And having young girls clawing at me and screaming – and not screaming `rape!’ – of course that would go to my head, and I would sample the pleasures of the flesh and the fleshures of the plesh. I do not begrudge Justin Bieber any of these sybaritic activities that he has earned by making music that pushes teenage girls right past puberty into menopause.

However, this past week, little Justin crossed the line. He was arrested in Miami Beach for DUI, drag racing, driving without a license and mouthing off to cops. When he was yanked, bleary-eyed from his yellow Lamborghini, he said, “Why do you have to search me? What is this about?” And two seconds later he told the police, “Oh, by the way, I’m high, I’ve been drinking, and I’m on a couple of prescription medications.” Somewhere a prosecuting attorney is on his knees in shul saying, “Thank you, God. Sometimes you send them to us gift-wrapped.”

Now, much as I hate giving anyone who sings songs with titles like “Beauty and a Beat,” “Baby” and “Eenie Meenie” the benefit of the doubt, if Justin Bieber wasn’t impaired that night, then this is just another case of the media looking to crash the monster it created. Yes, Bieber was a putz for mouthing off at the cops. If he’d been poor and black, he’d still be searching for his teeth on the sidewalk. But if he wasn’t drunk or high and was just driving a little too fast, give the guy a ticket, get his autograph for your kids, and be done with it.

However, if Justin Bieber was driving under even a mild, chemically induced goofiness, then throw the book at him – not because he’s famous, but because he’s a danger to others. In one of my early Rabbinical Reflections, I took some heat for kicking Ryan Dunn’s corpse before it was even cold. Who was Ryan Dunn? He was one of the “Jackass” crew on TV – men who would do crazy, stupid, dangerous things to each other for poops and giggles. These were consenting friends under controlled circumstances; who am I to say, “what the hell is wrong with you?” Especially when they’re funny. But nobody was laughing when Ryan Dunn poured himself into his Porsche and zoomed into a tree. Not only he died, but the guy in the passenger seat died, too. As Roger Ebert tweeted at the time, “Friends don’t let jackasses drive drunk.”

I have no sympathy for Dunn, or Paul Walker, or Justin Bieber if he put himself in the same situation. When I’m tootling down the highway in my 1996 Ford Fiesta, I wanna know that every other person on the road is being as neurotically careful as I am. At 50 miles per hour, a car is just a gun with wheels; point it in the wrong direction, and you’ve committed suicide and/or murder and/or skyrocketing insurance premiums.

Figuratively speaking, many have said that Justin Bieber is on a crash course, speeding out of control towards a Lohanesque junk-heap. I wish him no harm so long as he does no harm to others. Remember, this is the boy who said that if Anne Frank were still alive, she would be a Belieber – meaning, in his obnoxious, self-absorbed way – that she’d be a typical teenage girl with posters on the wall, bubblegum music on her iPod, and, presumably, 200 stuffed animals on her bed. Of course, this is a ridiculous statement. First of all, if Anne Frank were truly alive today…she’d be kicking and pounding at the lid of her coffin. Also, she’d be 85 years old, which means her musical tastes would have settled somewhere between Glenn Miller and Chubby Checker. The only posters on her wall would be a reminder for her medications and a calendar from the nearest Jewish funeral home. As far as liking Justin Bieber’s music, for gosh sakes, this woman lost her mother and her sister in the Holocaust and coughed herself to death in a concentration camp at age 15. Didn’t she suffer enough?

People who hate Justin Bieber just for being Justin Bieber, are saying he should be deported. We should send him back to Canada. Why? So he can spend all his millions across the border and let Canadian strippers, casinos and car dealers reap the benefits? I say, give the teeny-botcher the benefit of a doubt; let him stay – unless they prove he was drunk or stoned in that car. If he was, handcuff him and put him in the first trolley heading to Quebec. Oh, and just for fun, make David Cassidy drive.

This has been a Rabbinical Reflection from Rabbi Sol Solomon, Temple Sons of Bitches in Great Neck, New York.

(c) 2014 TotalTheater. All rights reserved.

–> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=27848

Dave’s Gone By Skit: RABBI SOL SOLOMON’S RABBINICAL REFLECTION #76 (9/8/2013): Fast Food on Strike

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Aired Sept. 7, 2013 on Dave’s Gone By. Youtube clip: http://youtu.be/kI3UH0aafJI

Shalom Dammit! This is Rabbi Sol Solomon with a Rabbinical Reflection for the week of September 8th, 2013.

“Do you want fries with that? No problem, give me 15 dollars.”

That is the call of the disenfranchised franchise worker. The people employed at Burger King, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Arby’s, Shloimy’s, Moishy’s – all the fast-food restaurants. They are weary of working for $7.40 per hour, which, if you can believe it, is 15 cents above the Federal minimum wage. In other words, someone laboring at a fast-food joint, full time, all week long, makes $15,000 a year, before taxes, no benefits, no 401K, but presumably all the unserved McNuggets they can eat. And so, around the country, the flippers and the grillers and the moppers and the servers are now strikers.

Who works harder than chain-food employees? They sweep the floors, clean the fryers, shpritz the special sauce, and deal with irate customers who throw tantrums when you forget the pickles. Room for advancement, to move up the grease-mottled ladder of success? Sure, for an extra dollar an hour, you get to manage all the other hostile, hopeless kids stuck in the same nowhere job. Not only do you have the honor of hearing customers bitch about everything, your fellow employees hate you for being management. All this for a salary that buys you two caramel macchiatos at Starbucks, where at least they give their workers health benefits.

I don’t care if the boss flumps a girl in a chair, hands her a magazine and says, “Just take a message if the phone rings.” Even that is taking an hour of time out of her life and deserves more than seven measly bucks an hour. Or eight. Or – oh my goodness – New York State voted to bring it up to nine – by the end of 2015! Thank you politicians! Should we bend over and bite the pillow or just sink to our knees in supplication?

As someone who lives and works on Long Island, where property taxes on a small house are 10 grand a year, the very idea that humans are still paid less than $10 an hour to do ANYTHING absolutely staggers me. That some politicians and businessmen fight against increases in the basic minimum wage staggers me double! “Oh,” they say, “if I raise the minimum wage, I won’t be able to hire as many people.” You know who faced that same problem? Pharoah! And his solution worked for a few decades until his employees rose up and marched out. And they knew about fast food, too. They hadda leave so quick, they ditched the sesame-seed buns and made matzoh instead. If you can’t afford to pay people something that keeps them in shoes, you should probably give them the shop and go work in Burger King, cause at least it’s steady.

Some folks defend low wages because these are quote-unquote “entry-level” jobs. It’s just high school students earning mall money or old people who are bored sitting at home, so they go to KFC where the action is. Leaving aside the fact that since the recession, thousands of workers have swallowed their pride to take any job, including stuffing a substance that looks vaguely like meat into Taco Bell tortillas. Leaving aside that some people take a minimum-wage second job only because they can’t pay their bills from their insufficient first job. Let’s even say for argument’s sake that your typical fast-food drudge is 15 years old, living rent-free with his parents, and not financially responsible for anything but his deodorant and iTunes downloads. Suppose this fine young man wants to take his girlfriend to the movies on a Saturday night. That’s gas in the car, parking, two movie tickets, two giant sodas, one big popcorn (and a penknife to make a schmeckel-sized hole in the bottom of it), a condom and/or a packet of handiwipes. He is looking at sixty bucks just to feel a girl’s boobs, and she may not even have boobs yet.

It is my considered opinion that any business owner netting upwards of, say, $60,000 a year who doesn’t believe that his workers are worth more than minimum wage should be shot in the face. Just as a wakeup call.

Most fast-food restaurants are publicly traded companies, so we know how much the CEO takes home, the VPs, the Vice-VPs, the shareholders, and the fry cooks and janitors. In 2010, out of $24 billion in revenue, McDonald’s netted $4.9 billion in profit. Because of this, the CEO took home almost $9 million in salary. Sorry for throwing all these numbers at you, but catch this one: that salary is almost 600 times more than that of a full-time slave at minimum wage.

Now that the economy has improved from quicksand to mud, the rank-and-file worker wakes up to remember he has needs, he has dignity, he has rights. He knows he has to work for a living, but that’s the key word: a living. Living means paying the rent, feeding the kids, getting your teeth cleaned and your blood pressure checked, going to sleep without worrying how you’ll pay for school supplies, or heat, and maybe even taking a week and staying at a Howard Johnson’s in Pensacola, Florida. If that means Horace Vanderbastard the III can’t customize his mistress’ yacht, so be it.

Good luck, fast food fighters. March on Mickey D’s. Boycott Burger King. Choke the Kentucky Fried Chicken. No, wait, that came out wrong, but you know what I mean. This isn’t about socialism. It’s not about destroying the free-market economy; that’s what cable companies are for. No, this is about fairness, about reasonable compromise, about people feeling pride in what they do and value in what they get. Yes, I’ll certainly take fries with that.

This has been a Rabbinical Reflection from the woefully underpaid Rabbi Sol Solomon, Temple Sons of Bitches in Great Neck, New York.

(c) 2013 TotalTheater. All rights reserved.

Dave’s Gone By Song (8/24/2013): UNDIES

ZZSong-UndiesAt last, Joey Eugene Gallegos, the Greeley Underwear Bandit, has been apprehended, and here is his song.

For the backstory on this song:  http://www.denverpost.com/2013/08/21/greeley-police-arrest-suspected-underwear-thief/

Song aired Aug. 24, 2013, as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full show with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast: Full Episode.

All content (c)2013 TotalTheater Productions. (Music: “Dandy,” by Ray Davies)

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com


by David Lefkowitz

(sung to the music of “Dandy” by The Kinks)

Undies Undies
Sittin’ in the laundry
Puts me in a quand’ry

The women in this town
Will bring their laundry down
They’ll leave their clothes on spin
Then I’ll sneak in for

Undies Undies
Beautiful selection
Just for my collection

It’s wrong to be a thief
But I need some relief
I know I’m breaking laws
To steal the bras and

Panties Panties
When nobody watches
I sniff the crotches

I’ve got 300 pair
Of ladies’ underwear
It’s wrong, but I don’t care
Because I long for

Undies Undies Undies.

It’s just a bit of naughty fun
And now they keep me on the run
Well, I’m not hurting anyone

`Cause when I get them home I take them from my gunny sack
And once I’ve shot my load in `em, they’re welcome to them back

Oh, Undies Undies
Beautiful selection
Gives me an erection

And when I’m put away
No longer will I play
I’ll sit and dream all day
Of undies all my life
All my life
All my life
All my life . . .

(c)2013 David Lefkowitz

Dave’s Gone By Song (7/20/2013): TRAYVON

A song about the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman confrontation and trial.

Segment aired July 20, 2013, as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full show with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.
All content (c)2013 TotalTheater Productions.
Lyrics & Performance by Dave Lefkowitz. Melody originally written by Sonny West, Bill Tilghman and Norman Petty and made famous by Buddy Holly.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

Dave’s Gone By Interview (12/17/2011): GILBERT GOTTFRIED

click above to listen (audio only)

Dave Lefkowitz interviews comedian Gilbert Gottfried

Topics include: 9/11, the Hugh Hefner Roast, The Aristocrats, the Holocaust.

Segment originally aired Dec. 17, 2011 on the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Sad Note: Our friend of the Daverhood, Gilbert Gottfried, passed April 12, 2022. 

Note: Interview segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.

All content (c)2011 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com

Dave’s Gone By Song (3/17/2010): DRINK `TIL I’M DRUNK

click above to hear the song (video file)
click above to listen (audio only)

(c)2010 Dave Lefkowitz
NOTE: This St. Patrick’s Day debuted March 17, 2010 on the 325th episode of the “Dave’s Gone By” show.
I’m not Irish, but I wish I were
`Cause the Irish love their fun
When the Irish come to celebrate
They don’t stop till the potcheen’s done

So although I’m not an Irishman
I can hold my glass up high
I can drink just like an Irishman
And I will until I die

That is why I’m tight
Each and every night
Fill my glass, and all will be right
When I…
Drink, drink, drink `til I’m drunk
Then drink until I’m sick

Rugby and politics, pour me a shot
Mountbatten really deserved what he got
Grab me a Guinness; grab me a stout
I won’t stop `til it all vomits out
When I drink, drink, drink `til I’m drunk
And drink until I’m sick.

Watch me stumble out of the bar
Onto the sidewalk and into my car
When I come swerving into your lane
Hoist up a glass, and we’ll drink up again
When we drink, drink, drink `til we’re drunk
And drink until we’re sick.

Everyone dresses so festive and gay
Wearing the green on St. Paddy’s Day
Thanks to the whuskee and thanks to the booze
I’m wearing green from my mouth to my shoes
When I drink, drink, drink `til I’m drunk
And drink until I’m sick.

Drink `til I stagger, drink `til I fall
and cover the sidewalk with throat alcohol
Call me a loser, call me a jerk
Still, it beats taxes, marriage, and work

So I drink, drink, drink `til I’m drunk
And drink until I’m sick
Drink, drink, drink `til you’re drunk
And drink until you’re sick
(one more time!)
Drink, drink, drink `til you’re drunk
And drink until you’re sick!

(c)2010 Dave Lefkowitz. All rights reserved.

Dave’s Gone By #262 (3/2/2008): SOMETHING ELSE

Clic above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 262nd episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on NY’s WGBB-AM radio, March 2, 2008. Info: davesgoneby.com.

Host: Dave Lefkowitz.
Guest co-hosts: Jeff Goodman & Joe Salzone
Guests: musicologist Paul Tracey, radio host Mark Torres, Dave’s dad, Philip Lefkowitz

Featuring: guest co-hosts Jeff Goodman and Joe Salzone and musicologist Paul Tracey, plus a chat with Dave’s dad, Philip Lefkowitz, radio host Mark Torres, and a gospel romp.

00:00:01 Pre-show excerpts w/ Joe Salzone, Jeff Goodman & Mark Torres: “Getting Sirius,” “More Siriusly,” “Pernickety” & “Mandy Patinkin is a Lunatic”
00:34:30 Caller Mark Torres
00:45:30 DAVE GOES IN
01:03:00 GUEST: Paul Tracey
01:33:00 INSIDE BROADWAY – News
01:50:00 Sponsors
01:58:30 GUEST: Dave’s Dad (Philip Lefkowitz) – “All About Dave,” “Failure,” “Funnin’:
02:20:00 GOSPEL TIME – “Drug Me,” “Have You Received the Hoy [sic] Ghost,” “Gotta Have Faith,” “Come.”
02:33:00 DAVE GOES OUT

March 2, 2008 Playlist: “Upside Down” (01:00:30), “The Brilliant Red Mustang” (01:15:00) & “Something’s Missing” (01:30:00; Paul Tracey). “Drug Me” (02:20:30; The Canton Spirituals), “Have You Received the Holy Ghost” (02:25:00) & “Gotta Have Faith” (02:28:00; Lillian Lilly), “Come” (02:33:00; Dr. Sheila L. Johnson).

Paul Tracey
Philip Lefkowitz
Star Jones
Joe Salzone
your host

Dave’s Gone By #261 (2/24/2008): FLYING LEAP

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 261st episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on NY’s WGBB-AM radio, Feb. 24, 2008. Info: davesgoneby.com.

Host: Dave Lefkowitz
Guest co-host: Jeff Goodman
Guest: Paul Rudnick of Grow-a-Frog

Featuring: Dave and guest co-host Jeff Goodman chat with Grow-a-Frog frog keeper Paul Rudnick. Plus: the satirical News Gone By.

00:00:01   Pre-show Excerpts: Not Gay and Oprah’s Big Give
00:07:00  DAVE GOES IN
00:16:00  GUEST: Grow-a-Frog’s Paul Rudnick
00:42:00  NEWS GONE BY – includes Mets Rant & Pig Farmers
01:10:00  DAVE GOES OUT

Feb. 24, 2008 Playlist: “Stand By Your Ham” (UK pig farmers), “Bein’ Green” (Van Morrison).

Paul Rudnick
Grow a Frog
Jeff Goodman
your host

Dave’s Gone By #260 (2/17/2008): MR. MUSHNICK

Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).

Here is the 260th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on NY’s WGBB-AM radio, Feb. 17, 2008. Info: davesgoneby.com.

Host: Dave Lefkowitz
Guest co-host:Jeff Goodman
Guest: New York Post sportswriter Phil Mushnick

Featuring: Dave chats with New York Post sports columnist Phil Mushnick; Inside Broadway.  

00:00:01 Pre-show excerpt: Presidents’ Day & The Delegate Thing
00:09:00  DAVE GOES IN
00:17:00  GUEST: Phil Mushnick
00:43:00  INSIDE BROADWAY – News, Runt & Deathbed
01:06:00  DAVE GOES OUT

Playlist: “Mushnick & Son” (Little Shop of Horrors).

Phil Mushnick
Dave `n Jeff Goodman