click above to watch in-studio footage of Rabbi Sol Solomon’s phone interview with B.J. above to listen to the interview (audio only)
Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with singer B.J. Thomas
Topics include: Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head, marriage, touring, candles, Hank Williams, James Brown, religion, spirituality
Segment aired Nov. 28, 2020 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio/podcast program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.
Note: B. J. Thomas passed away May 29, 2021 at age 78.
Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.
Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).
Here is the 574th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on UNC Radio, Sept. 17, 2016. Info:
Host: Dave Lefkowitz
Guests: actress Sally Mayes, singer Jeff Harnar, Dave’s wife Joyce
Featuring: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews singerJeff Harnarand actressSally Mayes. Plus: Inside Broadway (news & Albee), Greeley Crimes & Old Times, Saturday Segues (Shooby n’ Hank, In the News), Bob Dylan – Sooner & Later (oh mercy).
00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN w/ Joyce (veterinarians, Shoeless Dave, new website, Chipotle, Potato Day, Mr. Negative) 00:51:00 Sponsors 00:54:30 GREELEY CRIMES & OLD TIMES 01:14:30 Sponsors 01:16:30 DAVE GOES FURTHER IN – Guggenheim gold 01:28:00 SATURDAY SEGUE – Shooby n’ Hank 01:49:30 INSIDE BROADWAY (news 01:49:30 / Edward Albee 02:10:30) 02:30:30 GUESTS: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews Jeff Harnar & Sally Mayes 03:43:00 BOB DYLAN – Sooner & Later (oh mercy) 03:59:00 Friends 04:10:30 SATURDAY SEGUE – In the News 04:36:30 Weather 04:38:30 DAVE GOES OUT
Sept. 17, 2016 Playlist: “Potato” (00:37:30; Cheryl Wheeler). “It Gets Better All the Time” (01:31:00) & “It is no Secret” (01:38:00; Shooby Taylor). “My Bucket’s Got a Hole in It” (01:35:30) & “I Won’t Be Home no More” (01:40:30; Hank Williams). “Ever’body wants Their Life to be a Musical” (02:26:00; The Elephant Man 2001 musical promo). “Diga Diga Doo/Doin’ the New Low Down” (02:31:00), “In the Name of Love” (02:50:00), “Miss Byrd” (03:26:30) & “I Dream Too Much” (04:39:30; Sally Mayes). “Quizas (Perhaps)” (03:04:30), “Johnny’s Song” (03:16:30) & “Hold Me! Thrill Me! Kiss Me! / You Send Me” (03:36:00; Jeff Harnar). “Ring them Bells” (03:46:00; Marc Andrew). “Disease of Conceit” (03:49:00; Bob Dylan). “What Good am I” (03:53:00; Barb Jungr). “The Rockin’ Pneumonia and the Boogie Woogie Flu” (04:12:00; Larry Williams). “Born in the USA” ({Tracks version} 04:14:30; Bruce Springsteen). “Seven” (04:17:30; David Bowie).
Click above to listen to the episode (audio only).
Here is the 526th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on UNC Radio, Sept. 12, 2015. Info:
Featuring: Inside Broadway, Greeley Crimes & Old Times, Bob Dylan – Sooner & Later (high holy days), Saturday Segue (Hank Williams).
Host: Dave Lefkowitz
Guest: Dave’s wife Joyce
00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN w/ Joyce (Potato Day!, chalk) 00:19:00 GREELEY CRIMES & OLD TIMES 00:37:00 DAVE GOES FURTHER IN (Mac Sabbath) 01:05:00 SATURDAY SEGUE (Hank Williams) 01:29:30 INSIDE BROADWAY 01:48:30 Sponsors 01:52:30 BOB DYLAN – Sooner & Later (high holy days) 02:11:00 Friends 02:18:00 DAVE GOES OUT
Sept. 12, 2015 Playlist: “Frying Pan” (Mac Sabbath). “I Just Don’t Like this Kind of Living” (01:08:00), “Setting the Woods on Fire” (01:11:00), “Farther Along” (01:13:30) & “Free at Last” (01:16:30; Hank Williams). “The Boy Friend” (01:45:30; The Boy Friend 1970 Bway cast w/ Judy Carne). “High Water (for Charley Patton)” ({live} 01:54:00) & “Days of `49” (alternate version; 02:04:00; Bob Dylan). “Love is a Four Letter Word” ({live}; 02:01:00; Joan Baez). “Potato” (02:20:00; Cheryl Wheeler).