Dave’s Gone By Skit: RABBI SOL SOLOMON’S RABBINICAL REFLECTION #190 (12/31/2024): 2024 Farewell

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RABBI SOL SOLOMON’S RABBINICAL REFLECTION #190 (12/31/2024): 2024 Farewell

airs Dec. 31, 2024 on Dave’s Gone By. Youtube clip:  https://youtu.be/ejDoOPzON1I

This Rabbinical Reflection first aired Dec. 31, 2024 on the New Year’s Eve special edition of the Dave’s Gone By video podcast. 

Rabbi Sol’s Rabbinical Reflections are heard on the long-running Dave’s Gone By radio/video podcast program (davesgoneby.com) and then archived as text and audio on the Rebbe’s blog, Shalomdammit.com, where a transcript of this Reflection may be read. 

Rabbi Sol is also the creator of the stage show, “Shalom Dammit! An Evening with Rabbi Sol Solomon,” which played in NYC in Nov. 2011 and Aug. 2012.

© 2024 TotalTheater Productions. All Rights Reserved.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com 

 More on Rabbi Sol: shalomdammit.com

Rabbi Sol Solomon’s Rabbinical Reflection #190 (12/31/2024): 2024 FAREWELL

Shalom Dammit! This is Rabbi Sol Solomon with a Rabbinical Reflection for the end of the year, 2024. 

You’d think from the punims of everybody walking around or jabbering on TV that this was the worst year ever. That 1861 and 1929 and 1939 and 2020 were nothing compared to the hellscape that was 2-oh-2-4. But really, unless you were personally touched (God forbid) by some horrible tragedy, or you’re the CEO of a health conglomerate and your bodyguard just quit, this past year was… just another year. 

The rich got richer, and we all kvetched about inflation, but unemployment was low, Wall Street robust, the economy booming. Complain about illegal immigrants all you want, but are you gonna pick fruit? And, whatever you think of Luigi, American healthcare remains astronomical, inhuman, and indefensible. But if you made it through the year without dropping dead—the system worked.

If you think I’m joking, remember that just four years ago a million people died of COVID. Now we’re all sighing, “just how many boosters do I need?” Especially since the CEO of Pfizer made 33 million dollars in 2022 but ten million less the year after. If his salary goes below 20 mil, look for the polio booster to acquire a sudden urgency.

But again, it’s nice that COVID was no longer a nightmare, just a lingering annoyance. Like Ukraine. We want Zelenskyy to outlast Putin, but at this point, it’s not even Russians versus Russians; it’s Grumman versus Lockheed Martin for which mass murderer gets the bigger Christmas bonus.

Before you despair, however, note that 2024 was also the year that Jew-haters on university campuses slithered out of their green tents to discover nobody was listening anymore. Those left-wing peaceniks, many of them Jewish, spent months defaming Israel for just trying to survive. Meanwhile, these delusional dimbulbs ignored every African, Arab, Latin, Asian country that wouldn’t know a human right from a traffic light. 

Protestors made so noise early on: breaking into buildings, stalling traffic, spraying graffiti. Celebrities wore their “Free Gaza” pins while the “Squad” wept for terrorists. But as Bibi Netanyahu cautioned the world on October 7th the year before: Israel will keep fighting until complete victory. That means getting all the hostages back and racking up more Hamas leaders on kebab sticks. 

Happily, most Americans get this.They remember 9/11 and decades of hijackings, bombings, and beheadings perpetrated by the radical Muslim world. Some Americans even realize that thanks to Israel kicking butt, Syria ditched its dictator and the Iranian Ayatollah is watching his assahola. But try explaining that to a 19-year-old Communications major whose knowledge of history begins with Avatar and ends with The Matrix.

And yet, despite all the static, voters reelected the president. The previous president: Donald Trump. Vilified by the Democrats, mystifying to everyone else, the Donald will somehow return as the 47th leader of the free world. And why not? He was shot in the head, and his brain was still in better shape than Joe Biden’s! 

Look, Biden’s been a decent president; it’s his party that was the pooper. No one cares about DEI when the national debt is an IOU. Liberals weep over Palestinian refugees and then shrug when illegal aliens set fire to women on the F train. And while trans people deserve the same rights as everyone else, they don’t deserve double the rights, just because they’ve got two sexes inside `em. So enough with the special bathrooms; build affordable housing, and then let the trannies decide which room they wanna take a dump in.

But again, let’s not dump on 2024, a year that gave us a cool solar eclipse, an adorable pygmy hippo, respect for women’s basketball (mostly played by real women), and artificial intelligence answering every question we could possibly ask, up to and including, “Does this look infected?” The real downside of the year, as with every year, is losing great people. Actors, musicians, writers—their work lives forever. They don’t. So here’s a poetic tribute to the passings of paragons: 

We lost Kris Kristofferson, and all his fine rhymes
Farewell to John Amos, yes, for the Good Times

We’ll miss Quincy Jones and his tuneful panache
So long, Donald Sutherland, whose M*A*S*H was a smash

There’s Dame Maggie Smith, for whom we are pining
and Shelley Duvall, up in heaven, now shining

The laughs have left Fernwood; so long, Martin Mull
At least O.J. Simpson is now just a skull

Bon soir Richard Simmons! To the oldies he’s sweatin’
Pete Rose was called home; bet he’s up there now, bettin’

Ta-ta Teri Garr, you were Fronkensteen’s girl
and we lost two Joneses: Quincy and James Earl

Steve Lawrence has now joined Edyie Gorme
Alas, Willie Mays will no longer say “hey”

No more shall Richard Lewis comedically fret
And adieu, Olivia Hussey, jolie Juliet

Both West Side and East Side miss Chita Rivera<
And Bob Newhart’s gone: the end of an era

Charles Osgood filled us with homespun truth
And we learned about nookie from old Dr. Ruth

So sad that Phil Donahue has asked his last question
We mourn Morgan Spurlock’s supersized indigestion

We pine for Paul Auster and all his fine fictions
Is Kreskin in heaven, telling God his predictions?

Peter Marshall, Chuck Woolery — those affable hosts
have joined Roger Corman; all three are now ghosts

And so, adios, to our friends who are gone
The rest of us: what can we do but go on?

But try to find joy in being alive
Shalom `24! Shalom `25!

This has been a Rabbinical Reflection from Rabbi Sol Solomon, Temple Sons of Bitches in Great Neck, New York. Happy Jew Year.

(c)2024 TotalTheater. All rights reserved.

Dave’s Gone By Skit: RABBI SOL SOLOMON’S RABBINICAL REFLECTION #180 (12/31/2023): 2023 Farewell

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RABBI SOL SOLOMON’S RABBINICAL REFLECTION #180 (12/31/2023): 2023 Farewell

airs Dec. 31, 2023 on Dave’s Gone By. Youtube clip:  

Shalom Dammit! This is Rabbi Sol Solomon with a Rabbinical Reflection for the end of the year, 2023. 

What a joyful and encouraging year it’s been, hah? A terrific celebration of peace and love and reason and decency. And if you believe that, you must not have the internet. Or any access to the outside world, which has been steeped in anxiety and hatred — mostly, with good reason!

COVID is still here. Remember COVID? The virus that killed a zillion old people and is now a common cold? Only it’s so common, everyone’s still getting it! Almost four years after the disease erupted, many of us are still wearing masks everywhere. Granted, some people are such meeskeits a mask is an improvement—a public service even—but still! How many variants can one illness have? Someday, they’re gonna be able to trace all the way back, and they’ll learn that COVID is just another strain of Caveman Breathing Disorder. 

And speaking of cavemen, Donald Trump is running for President again. Look, he wasn’t a bad POTUS; he was great for Israel and the economy. But he’s also old. And nuts. That’s a combination you put in Assisted Living, not the Oval Office. Meanwhile, Trump’s opponent is Joe Biden, who’s so old, when he got his driver’s license, he just had to learn two words: “giddyup” and “whoa.” I did not make that joke up, but I also couldn’t make up that the combined age of the two presumed 2024 candidates is 158. I know age brings wisdom and experience, but it also brings senility and special underpants. Ronald Reagan was a powerhouse in his first four years, but the last two he fumbled more than the New York Jets o-line. 

Meanwhile, Trump might not even be allowed to run because State Supreme Courts, like the one in Colorado, are holding him accountable for the Capitol insurrection. He hasn’t been convicted of that, by the way. Oh, sure, he’ll get convicted of fraud and sexual harassment, but by gosh, the treason thing is still a mere accusation. As such, I think the Denver judges got ahead of themselves and hijacked an election decision that should be made by the voters, not the courts. Remember: the last time judges got involved in politics, they installed George W. Bush as commander in chief, which was like putting Rose from The Golden Girls in charge of NASA. 

So if Trump doesn’t run or can’t run, we might get Ron DeSantis, who’s slightly to the right of Mussolini and thinks gay people should be, you know, ungay. Or there’s Nikki Haley, who, like DeSantis, is pro-Israel but also believes fetuses are viable at the sperm stage. So… as ever, our choice for the highest office in the land will come down to least worst. I’d rather have knoblewurst. 

Meanwhile in 2023, the Dow Jones set new highs, but so did global temperatures, housing prices, gas prices, and groceries. By the end of the year,  inflation improved, which is just a euphemism for prices still rising, only less quickly. And the national debt is now $33 trillion. I mean, can’t we just ask Taylor Swift, as a favor, to pay it off?

Nearing its second year is the Ukraine War, a fierce battle between Russia and…more Russians. Ukraine’s president keeps thanking us for all our money and weapons, but no: thank you, Vlodymyr Zelenskyy for keeping our military industrial complex chugging along. Maybe you can also beg for a bunch of Chevys and Toyotas and help us bring Detroit back. As for Russia-Russia, we all thought Vladimir Putin would be dead by now. Instead, he’s just deathly: pale and shaky with purple streaks on the tops of his hands. The CIA speculates those are either intravenous marks or he’s been fisting the California raisins.

Speaking of good taste, the Hollywood studios finally came to their senses and settled with the Writers Guild. They realized that having Artificial Intelligence write boring screenplays with lame dialogue, cliched plots, and obvious themes was no substitute for having real writers churn out scripts with lame dialogue, incoherent plots, and woke propaganda. The only movies that weren’t bombs were Oppenheimer, about a bomb, and Barbie, about a bombshell. 

But, hey, where’s the A-bomb when you need it? On October 7th, Hamas fired hundreds of rockets from Gaza into mainland Israel. Arab gunmen also stormed an Israeli music festival where they massacred 300 attendees, tortured others, and took hostages. They also raped a bunch women, many of whom were later found dead. It’s unclear whether the women were violated before or after they were killed because, let’s face it, Muslim terrorists aren’t the pickiest bunch when it comes to pussy. They see a woman with an uncovered thumb, they’re like, “What a whore!”

When the first wave of horror was over, 1400 Israelis lay dead. I have no jokes for that: 1400 slaughtered in a day by the same batch of people who have poisoned the world for 70 years with their fundamentalism, despotism, and terrorism. 

And so, a day later, Bibi Netanyahu says to the Palestinians in Gaza, “Pack your shit. Your have 24 hours. Get the fuck out.” And the world, which had spent 10 whole seconds commiserating with Israel in grief and mourning, said, “You can’t do that. You’ll cause a humanitarian crisis!” And Israel said, “Just maybe-perhaps-possibly Hamas should have thought of that before their ambush.”

Israel commenced revenge immediately, although Netanyahu did allow Palestinians more than a week to take their camel caravans and find another country to despoil. But was that enough for the UN? Was that sufficient for world opinion? Of course not! When an errant Arab bomb fell on a Gaza hospital, who got blamed? Who’dya think? Meanwhile, Hamas fighters are using hospitals and schools as their command posts. They know that if Israel attacks, liberals weep; and if Israel doesn’t attack, Jews die.Win-win. Well, you know what, OXFAM, and World Health, and Red Cross, and Doctors Without Brains? Sometimes Jews have to kill the people who make them die.

But do college kids understand that? These Ivy League-bush-league, moss-covered troglodytes who glom onto any cause as long as it makes them feel like they’re saving the world from their parents’ mistakes? While they live in their parents’ basements? Like toadstools blossoming out of excrement, pro-Palestinian protests are everywhere, stopping traffic, blocking libraries, frustrating commuters, and doing nothing except proving just how many anti-Semites there really are. “Oh, but we don’t hate Jews,” say Ilhan, and Rashida, and Alexandria, and Susan, and Roger, and, oh—in for a penny—Ice Cube and Kanye. “We just hate colonialist Israel”—forgetting that Hebrews have lived in Israel since forever, and that Jews ask for no other safe place in the universe apart from this tiny country. 

In my stage show, Shalom, Dammit!, I made a joke about Jews for Jesus, saying that the term is an oxymoron, like Vegetarians for Brisket. Believe it or not, something even more incomprehensible has emerged: Queers For Palestine. I am not kidding: Queers For Palestine. These are a passel of LGB-D-Bags promoting the very people who would cut their schvantzes off for being who they are. You know, earlier this year, Out Traveler magazine picked the 15 best cities in the world for gay people. Coming in 8th, two slots ahead of Miami: Tel Aviv. You know how many other places in the Middle East made the list? (makes a zero with his fingers) If the list was the best 200, you know how many Middle Eastern cities would be on it? A handful—and they’d be in Israel, too. 

And yet, Queers for Palestine. How can these foolish freaks have their heads so far up their own tucheses? Well, they’ve likely been trying that as a sex technique. But seriously, what’s next for them? Faggots for AIDS? In their case, I’d donate. And I wish AIDS, leprosy, and spina bifida on anyone who chants “From the River to the Sea: Palestine Will Be Free.” No way! “From the Sea to the River, IDF Will Make Hamas Quiver.” “From the Sand to Mud, Gaza Will Run with Terrorist Blood.” “From Jerusalem to Miami, We Will Slice our Enemies Like Pastrami.” 

Okay. Enough rage. Now it’s time for sadness. As I often do with these annum-end reflections, I’d like to honor, poetically, some of the notables who did not make it out of 2023 alive. 

We start with Norman Lear, of All in the Family and Maude.

And Richard Roundtree, who’s now giving the Shaft to God.

To Tina Turner we said goodbye

Her talent was river deep and mountain high

Farewell Tony Bennett, who left his heart in San Fran

and cartoonist Al Jaffee, who was a true Mad man

Ted Kaczynski died, and he was the bomb

Henry Kissinger gave us the director’s cut of Vietnam

As First Ladies go, Roz Carter seemed nice

And, sadly, Bob Barker has barked his last price

We lost Tim McCarver, so pleasant and plucky

and David McCallum, from UNCLE, our Ducky. 

We lost Michael Gambon—Glenda Jackson, too

And Rolf Harris tied down his last kangaroo 

Farewell Alan Arkin, of movies and theater  

Bye Raquel Welch and Suzanne Somers — both jiggling for St. Peter

We toast Shane MacGowan with joy and affection

And director Bill Friedkin, who made a Connection

Jimmy Buffet’s margaritas became a huge trend

while booze and drugs took Matthew Perry, our Friend

We lost Pat Robertson, who thought he was holy

and Dame Edna tossed her last gladioli

Andre Braugher and Lance Reddick were marvelous cops

Richard Belzer was dean of the microphone drops

Farewell to Jeff Beck. Bye bye Tom Verlaine

No more will Burt Bacharach write about rain

The princely Treat Williams is now in an urn

Farewell Cindy Williams, who’s up with Laverne

Sandra Day O’Connor has judged her last case

While Sinead O’Connor has reached a better place

We lost Adam Rich of “Eight is Enough”

and Marty Krofft, panjandrum of “H.R. Puffnstuff”

Gordon Lightfoot made his way down with the sun

and farewell to Tom Jones — no, the off-Broadway one

Bon voyage Belafonte, a King among men

And ciao, David Crosby, the C of SN.

Robbie Robertson’s up with the Hawks in a Band

And let’s all give Pee Wee Herman a hand

We mourn Jerry Springer who sent chairs flying

And all the good people who are sick, dead, or dying.

But enough lamentation! I don’t want to bore

Let’s pray for survival in 2024. 

This has been a Rabbinical Reflection from Rabbi Sol Solomon, Temple Sons of Bitches in Great Neck, New York. Happy Jew Year.

(c)2024 TotalTheater. All rights reserved.

Dave’s Gone By Skit: RABBI SOL SOLOMON’S RABBINICAL REFLECTION #173 (12/25/2021): 2021 Farewell

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RABBI SOL SOLOMON’S RABBINICAL REFLECTION #173 (12/31/2021): 2021 Farewell

aired Dec. 25, 2021 on Dave’s Gone By. Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/FnMeyeZ9K3Q

Shalom, Dammit! This is Rabbi Sol Solomon, founder and spiritual leader of Temple Sons of Bitches, with a Rabbinical Reflection for the end of the year 2021 AD — After Delta. 

Well, we’re not really “after delta,” of course. We’re just discussing it less because another variant of the coronavirus came along to goose up the news cycle. Honestly, I think the whole Omicron thing was started by Hilaria Baldwin just to get her husband’s name off the front page. 

But my friends, it’s certainly been a year. Again. You know, there’s something to be said for pessimism; at least you’re not disappointed when everything goes to shit. So in 2020, we made it through the first wave of the pandemic: the triage tents, the refrigerator trucks, the zoom fatigue, the hidden charges for InstaCart deliveries. And with 2020 hindsight, the vaccines came — hallelujah! The government went to Big Pharma with a blank check and said, “Do something.” And they did! By new year’s, all these old people who were dying of Covid in nursing homes could get vaxxed and go back to dying of the flu. 

We all breathed a sigh of relief when, only months after the explosion of COVID, Pfizer, Moderna, and one-shot/blood-clot Johnson & Johnson proved that modern medicine could change the game. Unfortunately, viruses are like robocallers. If you block your number in the morning, they just find another sequence of digits to call you again at dinner. So Covid morphed into Delta, which spun into the more contagious but milder Omicron. By the time we get to Upsilon, everyone will have it, but it’ll just be constipation and hangnail.

Still, we must be careful — no matter how careful we are! Double-masked, tripled-vaxxed, quadruple-sanitized — the CDC messaging is still: go on with your normal life, but don’t do anything normal. As we end the annum, Broadway shows are closing, sports are canceling, hospitals are filling… The Rockettes even postponed their Christmas show till after Christmas. Now it’ll be the Lent Spectacular. 

So 2021 was really the year to get our hopes down. In New York we looked to the Cuomo Brothers for inspirational pep talks, which was like asking the New York Jets for tips on scoring touchdowns. We looked to reunions of Friends and Sex and the City for nostalgia, only to realize that women who are no longer cute are immediately irritating, and that “just like that,” Chris Noth is a rapist. 

We heard right-wing Republicans decrying vaccine mandates because the government has no right to tell them what medicine to put in their bodies. Sounds reasonable…until you remember these same people want to tell women what to do with their bodies. And now with the homemaker harpy, the college rapist, and the pubic-hair schvartze leading the Supreme Court, they may get their chance.

Not that America needs even more polarization. On January 6th, we realized half the country still believes Donald Trump won the election, that COVID is just the flu, and that country music is listenable. As scary as it was to see white people rioting, it was even creepier to see a guy painted blue and wearing a viking helmet storming the halls of Congress. Doesn’t he know the clowns in Congress don’t need makeup? 

So we distracted ourselves from the yecch of the year by watching unbelievably rich entrepreneurs…and William Shatner…go into space. They didn’t visit the moon or anything, they just went up in the air. Big whoop. That’s like going to a multiplex and telling the ticket guy, “No, thanks. I’m just here to enjoy the lobby.” 

At least people started going to the movies again — well, superhero movies; the rest they’re watching on TV because that’s the only pastime people can afford.  Between health insurance and home prices, you either have to sell an organ to buy a house or sell a house to buy an organ. And then you have to rent the organ out just to buy groceries.

But at least 2021 was instructional; we learned something. We learned that just because you get rid of a bad president doesn’t mean the next president will be good. Joe Biden, who always looks one step away from competence and two steps away from assisted living, has a knack for finding the failure in success. He pulls us out of Afghanistan — and we look like the Keystone Kops in the process. Biden signs a trillion-dollar bill to revamp America’s infrastructure, but his two-trillion-dollar domestic bill gets torpedoed by one centrist Democrat. Biden tries to reverse Trump’s anti-immigration policies, and so — big shock — thousands of illegals we can’t handle swarm to the border. 

President Biden did keep the economy going during COVID with numbers for both Wall Street and unemployment remarkably good. But that’s because people are working to shell out four dollars for gas and ten dollars for bread. And that’s if the bread makes it to the supermarket in the first place. Turns out a supply chain is only as good as its weakest link, and this year that link was the Suez Canal, where the good ship Ever Given got stuck like an impacted bowel movement. 

The whole year 2021 felt like the Ever Given; each time we’d pivot with hope to a different direction, we’d hit another sandbar. Tokyo held an Olympics…that nobody went to, apart from a couple of US athletes who got the twisties and tanked. Radical Democrats called for defunding the police — and then backtracked when rampant crime made their cities more dangerous than a Travis Scott concert. R. Kelly went to prison, presumably filling the space just vacated by Bill Cosby. Britney Spears finally became a legal adult — just in time to join AARP. 

And then race. You had black people getting angry because the jury found Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty — for killing two white guys. And when policeman Derek Chauvin was found guilty for suffocating George Floyd, all America heaved a sigh of relief. They even put up a statue of Floyd in a Manhattan Park, and it was quickly defaced by an unemployed actor. Sorry, that was redundant; an actor. But how dare he? After all, if we’re pulling down monuments of Civil War Generals and Founding-Father slaveholders, why not replace them with a counterfeiting drug addict whose biggest life accomplishment was holding a pistol to a woman’s stomach during a home invasion? Then again, when you come right down to it: whether the statue in the park is of Abraham Lincoln or Robert E. Lee, it’s still just a pigeon toilet.

But before we flush this year down the crapper, we should take a moment to remember some of the people we wish were still afloat in 2022:

Farewell Willard Scott — whose hundredth won’t be sponsored by Smuckers

And bell hooks and Anne Rice, you fine literary motherfuckers

We’ll miss Charlie Watts and his incredible drumming

Mort Sahl and Norm Macdonald, who kept the comedy coming

Goodbye Cicely Tyson, God finally took her

And old Cloris Leachman — you know: Frau Blucher.

We lost Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s Coney Island of the Mind

And also Don Everly, who never left his brother’s behind

Melvin Van Peebles made films that were funky

Mike Nesmith brought street cred to being a Monkee

Leon Spinks and Marvin Hagler, who never took a dive

And broadcaster Larry King — Not Live 

Farewell Roger Mudd, and thanks for the news

And Shalom, Ed Asner — you were good for the Jews

We lost Mod Squad’s Link, and that’s a stone bummer

And God roto-rooted old Christopher Plummer

Farewell Nanci Griffith who sang with her soul

And two decent statesmen, Mondale and Dole

Shalom, Jackie Mason, and thanks for the funny

Bye bye Bernie Madoff: shtup you and your money

Phil Spector’s bad deeds are interred with his bones

And Tawny Kitaen — I wish she had clones

We lost Ned Beatty, who, like a pig, did squeal

And how about a Mister Mic-drop for Ron Popeil?

And last but not least, Stephen Sondheim made his mark

with Gypsy and Sweeney and Sunday in the Park  

But just when these deaths make it seem dark as night

Remember with joy: there’s still Betty White!

And so my friends, my enemies, as we shuffle off the mortal coil of Covicious 2021 into Omicrazy 2022, I can only wish you all healthier, happier times; hope when things seem hopeless, and hot pastrami because…well, it’s hot pastrami.

This has been a Rabbinical Reflection from Rabbi Sol Solomon, Temple Sons of Bitches, in Great Neck, New York. Shana Tovah, be glad this one’s ovah.

(c)2021 David Lefkowitz & Rabbi Sol Solomon

Dave’s Gone By Skit: RABBI SOL SOLOMON’S RABBINICAL REFLECTION #8 (3/13/2011): Gas Prices


click above to listen (audio file only)

aired March 12, 2011 on Dave’s Gone By. https://wp.me/pzvIo-2s0. https://davesgoneby.net/?p=32927. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-CzdJjq9kY

Shalom Dammit, this is Rabbi Sol Solomon with a Rabbinical Reflection for the week of March 13th, 2011.

How times change! It used to be, if I was sick to my stomach, I would get gas. Now, I look at the price of gas and get sick to my stomach.

Thirty five years ago, this country went through a so-called gas crisis. After millions of centuries with animals and humans finding different sources of energy, suddenly we were out of fuel. Prices at the pump went through the roof, there were shortages, lines around the block – anybody remember filling your gas tank on odd-and-even days? I’ve had my share of odd days, and I still wanna get even.

But then we learned that although fuel is not an inexhaustible resource, we still had a tushie-load more of it than the government, the Arabs and the ecologists were telling us.

The 1970s gas crunch was a manufactured crisis; the oil conglomerates said “jump,” and we jumped. Our president was too busy worrying how to deal with the Arabs… to deal with the Arabs. So, like the mouse biting the elephant, OPEC sank its teeth into their favorite enemy: us.

But did Americans learn anything from the Jimmy Carter catastrophe? Did we conserve, demand more efficiency, do ANYTHING differently? Of course not.

In fact, for the next three decades, the unholy trinity – General Motors, Ford and Chrysler – went to the American public and said, “You know what you need? Hummers, stretch limos and SUV’s.” Cars that use enough oil in a day to run a banana republic for a month. And these banana-oil salesman made their case. American families bought cars large enough to house Chinese families. In a matter of months, you’d look around parking lots and there were no sedans anymore, just all-utility vehicles. You’d see a teenager driving a schoolbus and you’d think to yourself, “Why is a teenager driving a schoolbus?”, and then you’d realize, it’s his goddamn car!”

So what happens then? People forget about the 1978 gas crisis until…we get the worst president since Mr. Peanut, George W. Bush. Not only does he hate the Arabs and make war on the Arabs, but he’s financially in bed with the Arabs and stands to make a fortune from oil. Magically, oil prices go up.

And people bite the bullet, we manage, we hunker down – until the big recession of 2008. Don’t listen to the media when they say the recession was caused by unstable mortgages, insider trading, terrorism, taxes – I’ll tell you what made the economy tank – our tanks! As soon as gas hit $4 a gallon, wham went the wallets, whump went the purses, and clink went the padlocks on foreclosed businesses and houses.

After three years of economic misery, only now are we starting to taste fudge at the end of the tunnel. Unemployment might be easing, and we’re seeing new jobs – and I don’t just mean three-dollars-an-hour jobs at Nike for a dozen undocumented people all named “Jose.”

But what happens then? The Middle East goes meshuggeh, and gas goes gaga. Let me tell you something. I’m no Alan Greenspan (although we do share the same nose), but I will predict the next recession. If gas goes over 4 bucks a gallon, kiss the recovery

Not three dollars and ninety-eight cents; we’ll handle that because we’re used to getting shtupped, and we’ve been expecting it anyway. 3.99 – fine. But one penny over four dollars, and the toilet flushes. Again. No travel, no vacations, no big-screen TV’s, no expensive gifts for your favorite Hebrew spiritual leader…

“But Rabbi,” I hear you say, because I have very good ears, “We know, we know! The question is: what can we do about it?”

I say, if mobs of Arabs can overthrow their dictators, we can at least kick our democratically elected dictators where it hurts. No need for torches, marches, massive rallies – yet. For now, everybody get out your pens, your papers, your postcards – because we’re gonna write to the putzes in power. Not these long editorials from “concerned citizens”; those are as boring as the genealogical chapters in Leviticus.

We keep it simple. “4.01 and you’re out.” If gasoline climbs even one cent over four bucks, we will remember in November and give your job to another slob.

This message must go to everyone – from the President of the United States to the Melonville county clerk to the class president of Grover Cleveland Middle School. Doesn’t matter what the party affiliation is – the Republican Party, the Democratic party, the Donner Party, the Rent is Too Damn High Party – every single person in power. Send it to the CEO of your bank, the head of every Fortune 500 companyopolis, the captain of your softball team. 4.01 and you’re out.

Somewhere, among the millions of people receiving this message, will be someone who gets the message. If not, well, I hope you have a skateboard.

This has been a Rabbinical Reflection from Rabbi Sol Solomon, Temple Sons of Bitches, in Great Neck, NY. Fill `er up – halfway.

(c) 2011 TotalTheater. All rights reserved.

—> https://wp.me/pzvIo-2s0

–> https://davesgoneby.net/?p=32927

Dave’s Gone By Interview (3/2/2003): RICHMOND SHEPARD

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Dave Lefkowitz interviews theater producer and critic Richmond Shepard

Topics include: restoration fees tacked onto ticket prices.

Segment originally aired March 2, 2003 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast: Full Episode.

All content (c)2003 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com