Dave’s Gone By Wretched Pun of Destiny #008 (10/11/2014): TIARA

Click above to listen (audio only).

The 8th Wretched Pun of Destiny segment aired Oct. 11, 2014 as part of the “Dave’s Gone By” radio program hosted by Dave Lefkowitz.

Please Note: Segments extracted from “Dave’s Gone By” may have music and other elements removed for timing and media re-posting considerations. For the full interview with all elements, please visit the audio of the complete original broadcast.

All content (c)2014 TotalTheater Productions.

More information on Dave’s Gone By: http://www.davesgoneby.com
So the March of Dimes is having its annual fundraising push, and they come up with a contest where they get all these famous women in media to help raise money for the cause. The winner, who signs up the most pledges, gets to be that year’s fundraising “queen.” She’s flown to the annual meeting for a big ceremony, gets to wear a tiara, and even has a song written and sung about her.

All these famous women in media compete: Oprah, Ellen, Kathie Lee Gifford, Tina Fey, Diane Sawyer, Katie Couric… And yet, surprisingly enough, the winner is Bloomberg Financial anchor Jane King. So they fly her to the big ceremony, make speeches, she gets to wear the tiara and, best of all, the one and only Bob Dylan is there to perform a song about her. What does he sing?

“Oh the Dimes’ Tiara Jane King . . . ”

Dave’s Gone By #480 (10/11/2014): KUP’S SHOW

click above to listen to the episode (audio only)

Here is the 480th episode of the long-running radio show/podcast, Dave’s Gone By, which aired on UNC Radio, Oct. 11, 2014. Info: davesgoneby.com.

Featuring: Dave chats with broadcast legend Dick Cavett and Rabbi Sol Solomon chats with comedian Vicky Kuperman. Also: Saturday Segue (Siberry & Simon), Dylan – Sooner & Later (Manchester in the Heart) and the Wretched Pun of Destiny (Tiara).

Guests: broadcast legend Dick Cavett and comedian Vicky Kuperman

00:00:01 DAVE GOES IN – Tailgating
00:26:00 SATURDAY SEGUE – Siberry n’ Simon
00:51:00 Sponsors
01:00:30 GUEST: Rabbi Sol Solomon interviews Vicky Kuperman
01:31:00 Friends
01:39:30 BOB DYLAN – Sooner & Later (Manchester in the Heart)
01:51:30 GUEST: Dick Cavett (part one)
02:19:30 Thanks
02:22:00 DAVE GOES OUT

Oct. 11, 2014 Playlist: “Goodbye, My Sweet Pumpkinhead” & “Sail Across the Water” (Jane Siberry). “Goodbye, My Sweet Pumpkinhead” (00:32:00) & “Sail Across the Water” (00:40:30; Jane Siberry). “Song About the Moon” (00:36:30; Paul Simon). “Keep the Customer Satisfied” (00:46:00; Simon & Garfunkel). “untitled” (00:57:30 & 01:28:30; Vicky Kuperman, from youtube). “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” (01:42:00) & “Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat” (01:45:00; Bob Dylan). “Gone, Movin’ On” (02:29:00; Paul Revere & the Raiders).

Dick Cavett
Vicky Kuperman
Jane Siberry
Paul Simon
Rabbi Sol Solomon